Chapter 6 - Fast And Definitely Furious

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~ What They Look Like ~ 

~ What They Look Like ~ 

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All the guys introduced themselves by simply stating the names they wanted me to call them. There was Taehyung, Suga, Jin, Jungkook, RM, Jimin and J-Hope.

Ironically the biggest asshole of them all called himself J-Hope. 

So full of himself.

After the introduction was done the room turned black and I felt a bag going over my head. Soon I felt the zip ties around my wrists and me being pushed into a direction. After a while of struggling to walk properly without seeing I got picked up and thrown over a shoulder.

The cold wind of being outside made me shiver. I heard the familiar sound of the van. They laid me down in the back of the van and closed the door.

The first thing I did was to remove the bag when the van started moving.

Since my dad was an army soldier he taught me some things, for example how to escape zip ties.

How convenient, thanks dad, for being the best dad in the world, even though you always bored me with this stuff, because this would never happen to me, I thought. How funny.

I remembered him telling me that since zip ties were plastic, it was fairly easy to burn through them, you just had to know how.

I untied one of my shoes and grabbed the lace. Made two loops on each end. I pulled the laces through the zip ties, which took way too much struggling. Then I put each of the loops around my shoes and started to make this cycling motion. Within seconds the zip tie popped.

Thank Christ. Dad, you are fucking awesome.

I looked outside the window and saw that we were on a dark road in the middle of nowhere. I figured I had some time left so I put my lace back in and planned how I would try to get out of here.

The last time they outran me, so I have to be smarter this time.

Guessing that this time all seven were in the van, my chances were slim, but at least I could try.

I hid the zip tie in a crack of the car and put the bag back on my head when the van stopped.

They took a long time to get to me, it felt like minutes passed by before I heard the doors open.

While pretending that my hands were still zip tied I felt a hand grab me by the arm.

Getting pulled out of the van I stood outside.

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