Chapter 4 - Nicknames

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A small description was given of the girl and the girl who previously walked up to the bars stood up and walked over to the door. She slightly smirked while waiting to get her command to go through. When the door opened she disappeared.

"Girl number two," the redhead started. "Brunette with a pink shirt and skirt."

The girl who he described looked very nervous but relieved when she stood up and walked over to the door.

I looked at the rest, some started to cry, others were already in tears. One 'lucky' girl left to be picked. Most of them knew what was coming, while others still had hope. I looked at a couple of hopeful faces and I hoped for them they would get picked.

"Okay, time for the last girl," the leader said. He looked at the guy I previously had a staring contest with.

"You want to do the honors of telling?"

The guy nodded and cleared his throat, just to end up pointing his finger.

First I didn't really realize who he was pointing to, or should I say I didn't really realize he was pointing to me.

"Come on we don't have all day," he said irritated since I didn't respond.

"Uh... okay," I murmured confused while I stood up and walked over to the door.

What the hell. Why he picked me? He looked rather pissed off a couple of minutes ago. Also, there were so many more pretty girls, way more pretty than me.

Still confused I looked back at them, waiting for them to say I could open the door. As soon as they said I could go through the door opened itself and let me walk through.

As I went through I entered a much smaller empty version of the previous room I was in with the other two girls in it, sitting against a wall as far away from each other as possible.

I didn't really like the girl who yelled at them so I went over to the girl with the pink shirt and sat next to her. "Hey," I slightly smiled.

"Hey," she answered, still nervous.

"My name is-" I got cut off by the guys entering the room.

"No time for making friends," the redhead snarled. "It's time you girls find out about the rules."

"But first, congratulations," the leader said. "We are very happy to find such ladies like you, but as he said, the rules need to be discussed."

The redhead grinned and looked at us. "First thing, no talking when we haven't given you permission to talk. Secondly, your old life doesn't exist anymore. Your old name is gone. We will give you your new names. Never ever discuss anything about yourself from the past with the other girls. If that happens, punishments will follow."

"Always listen to what we say," a guy that hasn't spoken yet said. "Obey the rules and act your best. Only the best will be good enough."

He looked so young, how did he get into this mess?

"So," the redhead started. "You," pointing at the girl who had stood up. "Will from now on be called Candy," the girl nodded.

"You the girl in the pink," a tall black haired guy who looked extremely well build said. "Will be called Bunny," she looked unsure and then nodded.

"And you," the guy from the staring contest pointed at me. "Your name is Lady Luck from now on," I physically cringed a little.

"You don't like it?" he asked while tilting his head. "Well too fucking bad," he spat while he leaned forward a little.

"It's just that I feel anything but lucky," I simply replied.


Everyone stared at me.

The guy who gave me the nickname walked over to me. "Stand-up," he quietly muttered. My stomach flipped while I stood up. I swallowed and looked at his face while he had this intense stare. "What do you wa-" before I could finish my sentence I fell on my hands and knees to the floor.

His hand still felt present on my cheek. Tears immediately sprang to my eyes. That hurt.

He grabbed me by my arm and put me back onto my feet. This feels exactly the same as the guy who attacked me that night, was it him? He grabbed my chin and forced me to look into his eyes. "Don't you ever dare to talk to me without the permission to talk," I looked at his face. It was him.

He looked so angry.

"Now you're going to say sorry for talking when you weren't allowed," he spat.

I felt my eyes widen. He wanted me to say sorry? He just slapped my face!

"Sorry," I muttered.

"Try again," he demanded.

Afraid of getting slapped again I tried to look confident when I said "I'm sorry for talking when I wasn't allowed. It won't happen again."

He simply nodded and threw me back to the floor.

"Jimin that was a little over the top," the guy who had previously stood next to him in the other room whispered to the guy.

He was not very good at whispering.

"Shut up Tae," the guy with apparently the name Jimin muttered back.

"They have to learn quickly not to fuck with us."

Suddenly he walked back to me. I flinched a little and crawled back next to the girl in pink, now named Bunny. "I'm going to give you a new name since you didn't like the other one," he said with a grin on his face.

"From now on we're going to call you Princess."



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