Birthday Babbles - Claudia's Notes

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Originally written: 15th of December, 2018

Hi friends! Because it's my birthday today I thought it'd be nice to finish this book today!

First of all many thanks for the lovely supporters! Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be able to reach a 100 reads, and now, the moment that I'm writing this I just hit 35000 reads. This is absolutely mental ma dudes.

Also to the people who've stuck around since the very beginning (you guys know who you are) thank you for keeping up with my ridiculous updating schedule. Sorry for making you guys wait so much all the time <3 pls forgive me ^^

Any who, in celebration of my birthday I thought it'd be fun to explore some of my notes from my phone, where I would write chapter ideas down! Lot's of them were ideas that eventually made the book but I also had some ideas that I never used, so lets go through a couple of them together!



Written: APRIL 20 2018

"We got three options, let her go, leave her in this house and watch her escape or make her come with us," Jin says.

"Watch her escape?" J-Hope exclaims.

"She won't just wait for a month here not doing anything, she'll try to escape through the woods or die trying," Jin answered.

Jin knows me too well.

"Taking her with us is dangerous, but letting her go is even worse for us and will definitely result into jail most likely."

"Well she likes us now right? She thinks we are her friends now, she wouldn't just run off anymore, she needs us," Jimin said.

How stupid of you Jimin, 
How can you underestimate me so much Jimin?

Explanation: first, the idea was to create a kidnapping story where they would still be Bts, who had to go on tour. The idea was kinda like an intense on the road trying to escape story, but that got quickly scrapped when I decided I wanted to make them live in a house in the middle of nowhere.


Written: APRIL 28 2018

"Ungrateful bitch,

You have a beautiful room, food in your belly and you're getting fucking laid every goddamn day. What more could you possibly want?!"


Explanation: Speaks for itself, little conversation between one of the members and the girl while in a fight.


Written: MAY 15 2018

Laying in bed staring at my  pillow. Jimin walks in and sits in front of me. "It's already late, will you be able to clean my part of the house before dinner?" he asked.



"Do you know who I am?"

"You're Princess."

"My name is Ellie, I have a father and a mother. I also have a brother and a very sweet dog. My mothe-"

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