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I carefully opened the door and peeked around the corner. When I saw no one I sneaked over to the couch and placed the phone back where it was laying before. I skipped over to the kitchen area and washed my hands.
Mission Impossible more like Mission Accomplish-able.
I sighed as I washed my hands, happy that this stressful moment was over. I didn't get caught and that was all that mattered. I dried my hands and turned around ready to enter the gym again. I jumped as I saw Suga standing at the door opening.
"So," he starts.
Fuck fuck fuck.
"Can we talk about yesterday?"
Oh my god, he didn't see.
"What do you want to talk about?" I questioned playing dumb.
"You were kinda rude to me you know, telling me I stole your dream," he crossed his arms as he leaned against the doorpost.
"Excuse me?" I genuinely questioned, wondering if I really heard him say that.
"I mean, you should not forget who you're talking to Princess. I suppose you haven't forgotten when you tried to run away? I suppose you haven't forgotten the punishment we gave Candy?"
Genuine fear crept through my body as he stared at me blank in the face. I didn't really want to think about those moments anymore. I didn't want to think of how when I escaped the van he caught me and hit me on the side of the head. How anger had filled his eyes moments before, making him look like a monster. I didn't want to think back of how Candy acted and looked when she came back after they dragged her out of the room. I felt embarrassed about how easily I let myself get manipulated into doing stuff I didn't really want to do. I felt embarrassed about how easily I put those moments to the back of my mind, how I was almost having fun with them.
Simply them stating they would punish me, never bothering to explain what kind of punishment, I was afraid to go against them. I'm afraid to stand up for myself.
Wait, am I for real right now?
How bad could the punishment be? Is it just a threat? They said they would kill the girls but guess what, those girls are still walking around on this planet.
Do they have the balls to actually punish me? Something that in their eyes is worse than rape but less than murder?
"Vietnam flashbacks or something Princess?" I jumped again as he grabbed my chin. Apparently, while I was lost in thought he had come closer.
"Don't worry Princess, if you listen to me, that won't happen anymore. If you're kind and don't try to start anything, that won't happen anymore. If you're not rude, nothing will happen. I'll let last night slide," he gently wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer into his embrace.
This guy beat me up after I tried to escape. This guy has been disgusting and threatening while I have been here. He's letting last night slide?
How nice of him.
Why am I not afraid of his touch?
Why isn't this hug bothering me?
"I'm sorry Suga for yesterday," I breathed into his shoulder, closing my eyes.
I. Got. To. Play. Along.

BTS Kidnapped - Faces In The Mirror
FanfictionYou know they're watching you. You sit down in front of the mirror wall and stare into your own eyes. "I know you're there," you whisper. "I hate you," you slam your fists on the mirror. "I hate you I hate you I hate you!" you scream. Tears are fl...