Part 1: Stories

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A story, something that can be based on reality, or be completely fictitious. Something made up by the mind or something that really happened.

Stories are interesting because everyone tells their own story in their own way. Some people have the same story to tell, but still, the way that the story will be told by them, the way that the story will be consumed by others will be different.

Every story is different.

So what makes a story real? Must it be about something that happened in real life? Do we need proof to back up our story? Do we believe everything what others say, or must we question it? Are all stories just based on real events but made fictitious by the person who tells it?

Stories are interesting.

There are no rules.

Fake or real,

It doesn't really matter.

We all live in our own story.

We all are the lead of our own narrative.

As long as we believe what we tell,

it will be our truth.


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