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"hmmph huh?"
"Huh?" I looked up from my plate and faced Jin, who was sitting opposite of me.
"I said was it rough?" he smiled as he took another bite of his sandwich.
"What are you talking about? The food is good if that's what you mean," I looked back down at my breakfast meal and took another bite. "hmm delicious!" I smiled.
"I mean last night Princess, you're covered in bruises," his smile slowly left his lips. My eyes widened as I looked at myself, trying to see the bruises myself. "Where?" I questioned as I scanned my arms.
"Your throat dummy," he chuckled as he realized I wasn't in any pain since I didn't even know where the bruises were.
My cheeks turned red as I realized he was talking about the hickeys Suga had left on my neck. Quickly I looked back down again and shoved my mouth full of food.
"I'm guessing he probably didn't only attack your throat right?" he leaned in as he started to tone down his voice. "How is the rest of your body doing? No blood right? He didn't throw you around, slapped you, whatever? Suga can be, frustrating sometimes. Throws his anger around and stuff," Jin finished as he anticipated my answer.
I laughed and waved for him to sit back down. "No, no, actually it was kinda crazy," I looked at the door making sure no one was waiting there. I listened but also the kitchen sounded quiet. "I had to lead!"
Shock filled Jin's face as his mouth fell open. "What?"
"He told me I had to lead and do everything and stuff. Only towards the end he kinda-" awkwardly I scratched the back of my head. ".-helped me if you know what I mean," I blushed.
"ah," Jin sighed as he fell back into his chair. "I don't understand that guy. What is happening to this world."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, he may seem happy and sweet with that big smile of him, but if I have to believe his stories then he's nothing like that in bed. He always talks about how rough and dominating he is," he drifted off in his thoughts as he crossed his arms, far away in his brain thinking. "Ah I shouldn't be talking about this, I'm sorry. Go eat," he sat back up and started eating again.
When we finished eating instead of leading me to the rooms I had to clean, he guided me to the front door.
"Here wear this," he gave me a black coat that looked way too big for me. Confused I put the coat on and watched his moves.
What's going to happen?
He had faced the coat rack as he put on his own coat. He turned around and smiled at me as he handed out his hand. "It's going to be cold outside," I grabbed his hand unsure of what was going to happen.
"Uh Jin?"
"What's up sweetheart?"
"What are we going to do?"
"I'm going to show you something awesome okay?"
Why do we have to go outside? Was Suga not pleased with me yesterday and ordered Jin to punish me? Will he kill me and bury me outside?
Scary thoughts went through my head as Jin unlocked the door.
Why the fuck is he taking me outside? They don't trust me so why is he bringing me here?

BTS Kidnapped - Faces In The Mirror
FanfictionYou know they're watching you. You sit down in front of the mirror wall and stare into your own eyes. "I know you're there," you whisper. "I hate you," you slam your fists on the mirror. "I hate you I hate you I hate you!" you scream. Tears are fl...