v. lalisa

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v. lalisa

[ beethoven - fur elisé ]


New York city has never been tamed in my eyes, I always see this place as a battle for pride, status, and liberty. Which people take it to extremities that are unnecessary to a world that is already a realist's form of hyperbole. That's why I never indulge to such nuisance, I'd rather live my life in this pretentious city as authentic as I can be, that's why I made myself to dance. The closest thing that I could ever get to express my passion.

It's a good friday night of January and downtown Manhattan never shined so bright under the night, as always. It also was a good night to take some time out after a busy afternoon practice on the dance studio. It was winter season again, people covered up with their lament coats and jackets to cope up with the New Year weather. Everyone was extra happy because another year just started, and mostly because end-season sales were going on. 


I just got out from a nearby restaurant where I had a heavy dinner because I just got out from from a diet, and I wanted to resurrect the binge-eating beast that I am. So you can say it was a necessity or I could've died out of craving.

Apparently, as I was walking home, I passed by the Lincoln Center.

I've noticed people swarming up in the entrance, causing a fuzz on the streets. My eyebrows furrowed. I got a little more curious and checked what's the big event all about.

A big poster was hung out in display. The Prodigy of New York: First Honorary Night for Park Chaeyoung.

Oh, I forgot. It's been a year since that dreadful accident of that young pianist. It was the only talk of the town and thousands of people mourned for her. Gosh, I've seen her shows before and she truly was a splendid being with true talent. I may not know her personally but whenever I visit her concertos I can tell that she plays with a heart full of passion and a soul full of desire, something I've grown to admire of in a distance. It's sad to see her end in tragedy, everyone praised her, adored her, and loved her. Especially to someone who've I come to know of, has yet to embrace her loss. She loved Park Chaeyoung dearly as what my eyes depicted.

I was reminded. Wait, maybe she's here too. I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed number one on my contacts. "Please pick up." I muttered to myself, after realizing that she might be too lonely tonight and might do something pathetic again. I was in worry. We haven't been in contact for weeks, not that we're obliged to, I was just hoping that maybe, just maybe, she would give a little bit of concern and would actually. fucking. reply. !!! But that's just me.

I was stopped from my thoughts when she picked up. YES. But she wasn't saying anything, I could only hear her heavy breathing, she must be outside. "Hey, where are you?" I asked. "Don't look for me." she said it as a warning. Her voice was low and gloomy. Not a good sign at all.

"They're holding a concert for her. I'm in Lincoln Center right now. Did you know?" I informed her, she went silent for awhile before answering me back. "I did know, but I don't have plans on going."

"Are you okay? Do you want me to come?" I asked in total politeness, since I was genuinely worried about her emotional state right now. "No. I'm good." her voice was platonic. I was about to respond when she suddenly dropped the call. 

Gosh, she always blocks me whenever I try to let her talk and open up. Maybe I should accept that fact, right?

That I will always be a mere stranger to her, never a friend, nor a lover.

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