vii. nineteen sixty-five

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vii. nineteen sixty-five

[ yiruma - time forgets ]

The Independent Republic of Greenwich Village, New York. Located on the lower part of Manhattan, between Houston Street and 14th West. The home of innovators, creators, artists, musicians, and poets alike. Diversity was the key to the district's successful recognition, the epitome of liberty and the dawn of limits . This is where a lost soul could seek its home, a place for revolution,  a place for reckoning, a neighborhood that exercises freedom & passion. You can see artistry in all corners of the place, whether in a bar, a resto,  dark alley, or on the side street. This is an artists' haven, the bohemian capital, the cradle of the 60s counterculture movements. The place that witnessed New York's renaissance.

timeframe ;  1965. September


"Baby, you okay?" The velvety angel-like voice was all too familiar to my ears, and on cue, my system started to regenerate, my eyes opened with curiosity of the owner's voice. My orbs refocused and slowly, I realized that I was standing in a wide bright space where the love of my life that I missed so much appeared before me, my heart leaped in joy because it was all too good to be true. 

"Chaeyoung . . ." I muttered right then and there as I cupped her face, the overwhelming sensation lingered through me as I felt my heart ached and smiled at the same time. She was in this long white dress, and she was glowing. Like a dream. Or is this a dream?

Everything else was white and blurry but her face was clear to me. Actually, she's been the only clear thing in my life. Her milky skin that I've touched for the first time in the longest time sent shivers down my spine as each of my fingers fondled upon her complexion. "You don't know how much I've been waiting to see you again." I uttered as my voice have gone sobby. She flashed a gentle smile that melted my soul. "What were you doing when I was gone?" she asked with great echo. Finally, a tear fell as I felt it stream down my face. "Waiting for you to come home." I answered.

"I've been home all along." She whispered gently as she pressed her hand into my chest, "Here. I live in every beat of your heart, Jennie." she said knowingly. Her touch pressed my heart even more, adding more pain as I reminisce all those last moments with her alive. "It's not the same when you were still breathing with me. I want you back alive." I said with plead.

She embraced me as a response, her warmth went down through my soul I felt salvation and haven. I closed my eyes, "I love you." I uttered. At last, after for so long, I am home. She pulled herself closer as she reached my ears and whispered the gentlest words, "I love you, Jennie...Jennie...Jennie...Jen...."

I was flustered her voice suddenly became a fading echo, like it was going away. Seconds later, I began to feel the coldness as Chaeyoung's body faded away but the fleeting voice was still there . . . uttering my name over and over again . "Jen . . .Jen. . .Jen. . ." I started to feel dizzy as I tried opening my blurry eyes. Then a queer transition happened, like I was warped back into a place that sensed reality. I felt heavy all of a sudden. My body was lying onto something soft, like a bed. Wait, it is a bed.

My head ached so bad as I slowly gained my vision back, "Jen . . . Jen, wake up." the voice was strong again, this time it wasn't Chaeyoung's voice, it was feminine but distinct, it was a tone lower than before. "Hey, you're awake. Finally." a girl that had a long slicked ebony hair topped with a black beret,  with lips that formed like a heart greeted me with a smile as I wake. I had to strength to react in shock because the pain in my head flashed hot and hard. "Ugh!" I groaned in pain as the hammering started to hurt more. "Yeah, I know, it hurts." she said with comfortability, I was taken aback. Does she know me perhaps?  I thought in curiosity. "Wait, where am I?" I finally had the strength to lift myself up from what it seems like an old designed mattress that stretched way too long for only one person to sleep in. It looked very antique, heavy but bold with color of hot pink. It was strange. Not to mention that the room was kind of poppy and ranging with bright colors. The wallpaper was generally made out of a bold red palette of paisleys, there was pop art portraits displayed on each wall, the chandelier from above was in the shade of deep blue, the lamps were unusually big and dim, white curtains cascaded through a small edged balcony, the floor was wooden with more than three textured rugs occupying it. The chairs and stools were somewhat S-shaped, with a lot of curves dominating the figures and colors that ranged from pink to red. The design, color and scheme was strange for my liking, it didn't feel modern at all. I didn't know New York apartments still design old-school interiors like these. Quite intriguing. 

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