xii. naked art

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xii. naked art

[ giuseppe verdi - la traviata ]


I had to question the reality that I was in again, and needed some rational help on how to take on what Roseanne had said in front of me. "I like you" were the only words circling in my mind. I didn't know how to deal with it, well maybe, I wanted to take it as a romantic validation of her feelings for me but we all know that only a fucking idiot would think of that. Besides, she seems not gay in this time setting. I mean. She could never be, right?

"Ah-Uhm-I-Uh-?" Nonetheless, I was still abashed. This stammering of mine was an insult to my flawless social communication skills. What the fuck are you doing to me Roseanne? I internally cried in panic as I try to escape myself from the blame. "You like 'like' me?" I still wanted clarification. My eyes were popping wide as I looked at her. She nodded with surprising calmness. "Yes. I know people like us can't have friends, but treating you as a mere associate of mine can't be enough right?" Her two fleek brows raised as if it was waiting for me to nod in agreement. Associate, I didn't know that word already existed on the Upper Class this early. Who made the rich society this obnoxious that one can't even give the simplest trust to a person easily? This is such a conceited concept.

On another note, Roseanne here didn't get what I was trying to say. Well I can't blame her, perhaps she hasn't yet discovered that girls liking girls exist. "I mean, don't you want to be friends with me?" She continued amidst the awkward silence. I blinked simultaneously as I realized how I was overthinking the situation. At least now I know what she thinks of me.

A mere friend.

Fuck that word.

I didn't know friendzone was also a trend in the 60s. It would be so great if I can just bluntly rage in front of her and say, hey i'm sorry to break it to you but our future souls have dated and fucked each other, so can't we just do the same?

Saying that would be so much better yet those words can only be expressed by thoughts. I have a secret love affair with Lisa for pete's sake! I have to compress my dwelling feelings for Roseanne or this drama would get out of hand. Even if I don't want to, I have to.

Compromise, Jen. I thought to myself as I nodded my head and flashed a smile to her, "Then friends it is." 

I didn't want to acknowledge it but sadness poked my heart. I can't stop looking at her eyes and how it exactly resembled Chaeng's. It had the right glow, the right size of the orbs, and the right feeling that it gave off. I miss her. I miss my love.


After the stressful meeting I just had, I went back to my apartment and spent a little time in the silence. Since this morning when I woke up, I already had trouble breathing, which is why I started to panic more when Jisoo  informed me that I was the fucking president of the Business Department and that I had to administrate an event for our contribution in the first week festivities. Me going back to college haven't even sink into my system yet, and now she wants me to run a whole scholastic event? Ugh. Everything in the 60s just wants me to go insane!

Thank god the Chanyeol guy, who was surprisingly the vice-president of the Music Department offered a merged event with us. My soul was saved. How ironic is this right? The fact that his face is a resemblance of a person who killed my girlfriend back in the future but now he's saving my ass from getting embarrassed. The universe always has its way of mentally torturing me. 

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