viii. alcazar

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vii. alcazar

alcazar ; a palace for royals

[ éric alfred leslie satie - gymnopédie I & III ]


"So let me get this straight, she's not the Jen that I've dated since last year anymore?!" Lisa's hands were pointing back and forth to the two of us. "Mmhhm. You can go and fucking forget the thousands of flowers you've sent her every evening because she doesn't remember anything now." Jisoo nodded in confirmation, she's not even feeling sorry for Lisa, their friendship is weird. It was a chilly afternoon in the docile streets of Greenwich Village in where the three of us decided to talk things down at the White House Tavern, an exquisite place found at the corner of an 11th Hudson street stoplight. I still can't wrap my mind around the truth that I was actually living in the 60s where vintage road bikes and old mustangs were the most advanced transportation you could ever get and The Beatles were still alive and young. Just imagine the culture shock that I am in. No. You can't.

Lisa pouted after she heard Jisoo's words,  maybe she was disappointed by the fact that her girlfriend just switched souls with a random girl from the future.  I mean who wouldn't flip right?

"But I know you from my other life though. You had the same face and name, the only difference is that you were a dancer and we had a . . . different relationship. " I told her with a skittish tone, it was awkward to be frank with her alright. "Really? These twiggy legs can dance? Fuck, I feel so lame right now." Her doll like eyes were covered by her crinkling eyebrows. I snorted a laugh out of what she said, I didn't expect her to be this light-hearted and bright. "Imagine how you'll be the lamest in the world if you didn't know photography." No one stopped Jisoo's savageness. I feel like the bickering has just started when Lisa changed gaze, she was ready to fire back alright. "At least I'm the best at one thing! And I'm not fucking single." Lisa retorted the same attitude. I pursed my lips and tried holding back my laugh, I laid my back on the chair as I try to get a better view of this claptrap. "And what are you trying to imply? Gosh! This audacity of yours! If it weren't for me you wouldn't date Jen, you should be thankful." Jisoo's eyes rolled over. "I paid my debt remember? I wasted a whole day trying to get the model out of you. I even got your photos articled and printed on Times! You finally got the compliment you wanted from your family." Lisa stated in response. 

So according to Jisoo, It turns out that Lisa here is dubbed as the best city photographer in town. She started doing photography when she was young and decided to stop studying at 18 and pursued an early professional career. It was not a regrettable decision, I can say, because she's an in demand prowess. Jisoo said that we've met roughly a year ago when our family decided to take photo cards for the holidays and she purposely got Lisa for us because the gay desperately wanted to meet me. Since then she sneaks off the window and give me flowers every time. We had the whole night for ourselves. Talking about everything under the heavens. We always stayed hidden in the dark to protect the precious bond that we had. Hearing all of this about us, about her, and about our secret relationship made me thought of the great contrast that the bond Lisa and I shared from my other life. It gave me the glimpse of what we could've actually been if I didn't intoxicate our developing relationship with just lust and sex. Nonetheless, the dancer Lisa who smoked menthol and only smiles when she hears my name still haunts me every time. Her dominance, her cynic personality, and inhumanity just hangs me on the edge. Still a fucking discourse to my heart. 

"Okay! Alright, I remember!" Jisoo's expression gave in to her guilt. "Anyways, let's talk about how we'll make this cover up work." The black-haired maiden's sudden seriousness shutted the atmosphere down. "We should help her do the things Jen naturally does or she'll send herself to hell with her mother always on her tail.  You know like, sort of a re-study." Jisoo further explained. I had to sip my macchiato at that moment just because I'm already nervous about the idea of pretending to be someone else. But I should be good at it right? Well, taken the fact that I acted straight and hetero for almost 90 percent of my life back then. I should do fine. I internally encouraged.

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