xx. the renaissance (I)

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xx. the renaissance (I)

— The Renaissance was a fervent period of cultural, artistic, political and economic rebirth following the Middle Ages. Generally described as taking place from the 14th century to the 17th century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art."


Villa Strassburger, 1975

Avenue Strassburger, 14800 Deauville, France

[ strauss ii - rosen aus dem süden (roses from the south) ]

[ strauss ii - rosen aus dem süden (roses from the south) ]

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A pleasant smile plucking up the morning sunflowers to breathe over the newborn day has gestured a warm feeling from my heart. With the sweet tunes of the french birds singing the song of the sunrise, Jennie got out early to pick up some flowers to arrange from our hectare wide garden. Now, of course, as the nicest wife she ever has I drove myself out of bed and accompanied her, amidst the drowsiness of my body.

"Why can't we just hire a gardener to pluck fresh flowers for you to arrange?" I protested as I try to be present as I could. My stance was sloppy, I couldn't care less since the heaviness in my eyes were enough burden.

"A one hectare backyard with no chance of experiencing the wellness of picking flowers in the morning? Now where's the fun in that?" Jennie rejected my idea as she fondled her hand along her beloved flowering children.

"We're not actually on our teenage years now are we? You're still pretty vulnerable with your asthma. Too much work would trigger that." My voice emphasized concern.

The Renaissance Of A Romance [chaennie x jenlisa]Where stories live. Discover now