ix. miss roseanne

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ix. miss roseanne

[ franz liszt - les preludes ]


Mornings. The dew of daylight that always keep my lips stretched from one end to the other because it gives me the moment to realize that the night that came before wasn't just a mere illusion, and that I actually had memories that I could keep forever. Memories that will stay until the morning, and maybe in other lifetimes. If I am lucky enough.

My mornings are made up of tousled blankets, fuzzy pillows, and a moody girlfriend who keeps clinging to me until I see the first ray of daylight. She makes my mornings alive and more meaningful than the last time.

I was sleeping in sideways as I took a first glance at a sleeping Jen. My eyes quickly went to her lips remembering the worry she had last night about her lips running dry and dehydrated again and that I would hate kissing it, but it was just a nonsensical problem of hers. If only she knew how much I adore those pair of luscious lips then she would never dare to complain about it ever again,because whatever she has, may be good or bad, I'll take it.

I pulled myself a little closer to her underneath the blankets and planted a soft kiss on her forehead before gently uttering, "Morning babe." She hummed and snuggled herself more into the pillow with her eyes still closed. A cutie.

I quickly grabbed my SLR camera from the side table and took a candid shot of my girlfriend who was still in deep slumber. She looked serene, a beauty at peace, a damsel in tranquility. A perfect picture of an artwork.

Jen managed to wake herself up as the sound of my camera shutter resonated through the apartment walls. "Babe, we agreed not to take pictures of me when I'm still vulnerable and ugly." Her rapsy voice cracked in between as she slowly gains consciousness with eyes barely opening. I managed to chuckle, "You've never been ugly, Jen." I answered as I replace my camera on my eyes and focused my lens on her face, "Smile baby!" And pressed click.

"Ugh! Come here you giraffe!" She tried rushing in and steal my camera away but she was a second late when I dragged myself out in bed and raised the camera by my arm length. Observing the situation, in which the camera was too high enough for her reach, she mounted a pout underneath all the messy hair, "I hate tall people!" She grumbled in frustration. I raised a brow and smirked, "You love one though."

Then she beamed a smile and changed her mood as she playfully walked towards me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Yeah, right. Totally forgot that I'm in love with the tallest animal in the world." Her sweet sarcasm blew my confidence away as she popped her head upwards to meet my gaze. I put down my raised arms and laced it through her waist, "Well, at least this animal knows how to kiss right?" I gave her a meaningful smirk before indulging myself into her lips. I felt her flinch in surprise but still managed to compose herself after.

Our noses were on each side as our hands traveled at each other's backs, closing the gap. As I devoured Jen's lips a bliss of ecstacy traveled down my system. I can feel her hot hectic breath lingering through my nose as our kiss deepened and dang did it turn me on. The urge to give myself closer conquered my coyness so I slowly slid my tongue out. Slowly licking her lip's surface asking for entrance. Then she let me enter, with great passion.

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