xxii. the enlightenment

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a/n: let's end this shall we?


xxii. the enlightenment; siècle des lumières

" — A movement that happened after the great Renaissance. The Age of Enlightenment was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe. This was the future after the renaissance period."

[ bach - brandenburg concerto no. 3 in g major ]

timeframe ; 2023


It was a hectic working day for me. The jolly sun was too high up, that I disliked the idea of its rays touching my skin. I just got out from my desk and I was outside the street waiting for my chauffeur to arrive.

"Where's Cole?" I grouched as I snap my fingers at my secretary who was unpleasantly slouching while carrying all of my documents and I could only do so much for her fashion sense.

"He's in Greenwich Village, Miss Kim. You've instructed him to check out the company we've just bought." She stuttered too much that it made me more irritated. Ugh.

"Good. Text him that I'll be arriving there soon." I demanded as I saw her pulling up her phone and uneasily did her task under her thick eye glasses.

I rolled my eyes and thought. Could any other humans do better than me? Guess not.

"Oh, I forgot. Dial my fiancé for me." I quickly prompted, I forgot to tell Lisa that we were having a dinner date tonight. I need to inform her ahead since she's been a busy lady too. With this, my secretary handed me the phone right away.

"Hello. This is Lisa's Secretary speaking. Miss Manoban is sti-"

"Lisa. Now."

"Oh, my apologies Miss Kim but she's a bi-"


"Ah-uh. O-okay. I'll tell her right away." I heard her voice becoming nervously weak as it trailed off.

I groaned in impatience, I've told her enough times to not leave her phone to her secretary, but does she listen? No.

"Hey, babe. We're preparing for the shoot." Her delightful voice instantly diminished all of my pre-existing annoyance for the day and maybe for the next of the week too. She is the spark of glee that I need or I could've fired half of my employees already if she's not here controlling my fury.

"I'm thinking about dinner for tonight. Are you down, love?" I pressed an invite.

"Yeah if you promise me not to suck the soul out of my secretary every time you call."

"She's a communication barrier you know?" I scowled.

"She's doing her job, Jen." My fiancé deadpanned.

"Yeah, whatever i still don't like her."

"I'm not firing her just because of your opinion, Miss Kim." A nonchalant Manoban was the reply I received.

"Since when do you compromise for me?"


"Exactly." I said, then I heard her light chuckle on the other light as both of us felt amused.

The Renaissance Of A Romance [chaennie x jenlisa]Where stories live. Discover now