x. le crépuscule

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x. le crépuscule

"On n'aime que ce qu'on ne possêde pas tout entier."

[ Beethoven - Sonata Claro de Luna ]


The bleaking ray of light that escaped through the cascading window pane of my tampered room was the call of another stringent day that I had to face in this maze of a mansion. Well, I can admit that today had one slip of a difference. It was January. The coldest month for New York City. Also, it was my eighteenth birthday, which means a week full of birthday celebrations and social affairs for me, especially because I'll be officially introducing myself as the rightful heir to the family conglomerate. Mother will bombard me with scheduled interviews, social gatherings,  and business rendezvous for the upcoming year, because it'll help me get the exposure I need.

It sucks to be like this, to be compressed by etiquettes, to hold all these unwanted privileges, and to be constantly trapped in an entitled role that never really defined who I am. It wasn't about what I desired, it was all about what they desired me to be. It was me who achieved their conquests, never mine. This has been my life ever since,  an engraved concourse of broken hopes and dreams. I am walking on an never ending trail of what if's, in where my feet never reaches any silver lining. What a fucked up way to live.

So much for poetic implications, I have my own party to attend to on our ranch mansion down Hudson Valley. My parents' business associates, far relatives and some of my elite acquaintances from business school are the ones invited for this exclusive party, another big party will be held on New York, it will be more public and open than tonight. A bit of a feverish display of interest must be enough to entertain the guests.

"You sure you prefer riding on my convertible than your newly purchased limo? Like I wouldn't mind riding your million dollar birthday gift, you know." Taehyung who just became my boyfriend three days ago just came to pick me up, we planned to go to the party together. It was already 3 pm and we're now on the front door of my house with his yellow BMW convertible shining behind him. I shrugged with disinterest. "No, I prefer yellow cars."

"Babe, really, I wouldn't mind having a non-yellow Mercedes-Benz luxury car and a chauffeur driving us to your party." He continued babbling as I opened his car door and took a seat. He then followed and placed his keys to start the engine. "Don't do that." I furrowed my brows, his hands stopped, turned his head and looked at me. "Do what exactly?" An eyebrow was raised.

You know why I'm dating this cliché hearthrob? Because he asked me out in front of every class circle in the campus and I would be damned by the lunatic fangirls if I reject the oh so great Taehyung. Yet he's still my friend after all, and it will stay that way even if I've been forcely labeled as the girlfriend.

"Don't call me that word ever again." I taunted with warning. "I didn't know you'll be this conservative, Jen." An amused smile creeped on his lips along with his brow flinching, a great appeal of insult. "Shut up, or you'll be single tomorrow." I provoked. Timingly, the engined roared, and as Taehyung changed gear, he looked at me again, "Hey fyi, I'm never the person who gets dumped first. So be careful..." He paused with a smirk, I was unconsciously anticipating, "...babe." then he winked at me as he stepped on the accelerator. "Ugh! For pete's sake!" I groaned and rolled my eyes. Fuck him and his self-confidence.

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