xiii. flavors

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xiii. flavors

[ george frederic handel - xerxes largo ]


The radiating rays of the sun burned my sleeping eyes awake, as my first glimpse of reality appeared to be a gigantic window pane that beamed the glorification of the wakeful morning sun. Consciousness dawned before my being as my mind was still figuring out the place that I was in.

Oh. Nevermind.

I quickly knew that I was still in the studio that Lisa gave me for a surprise when I felt my core go numb in weakness. I still felt drained. Like I was wholly eaten last night.

Wait, I was.

I made an attempt to slowly move my body, checking if it survived from the erotic happenings from last night that left me dysfunctional. I realized Lisa was beside me, we were still on the red couch, both of our naked bodies were still compressed together. I gotta admit, she was hotter than the morning rays.

Her body was positioned sideways facing me and her left arm was covering my exposed stomach, her breasts were resting on the surface of my skin, and one of her legs was interlacing with mine. So close that her knees were just below my naked clit, her soft elongated legs trapped me from moving. Why would I move though? If her cherub-like face was already breathing next to mine. The thought made my heart at ease, knowing she was still there.

But how ironic is this situation? I never liked the thought of spooning with her and now look what's happening, she even gives me butterflies inside now. Is this even real? Or is this just the elation of moments I've missed doing with her?

I can never be so sure.

"Hey, beautiful." I dismissed my thoughts when I heard Lisa's voice emerging through the silence. Damn. That morning voice that I'm only hearing now for the first time. I quivered at the thought. I tilted my face to take a good look at her, but then I just quivered more.

"Good morning." A soft tone resonated in between her gentle smile. Then I began to realize the splendid view that I'm lucky to see right now - her.

The emollient but enigmatic aura Lisa gives every time has always been amazing to me. How can there be so much mystery in one soul? She seems unaware of it either, but maybe that's what makes her more captivating. Lisa, is so unaware of her power over me.

As insensible as I am now, I started caressing my right hand on her delicate face. Trying to familiarize her features again, as if it'll add warmth to my already flaming heart. But she startled at my touch, "Wait..." I didn't let her finish as I rebutted. "Let me feel you." I said with a permissive tone then I felt her tension lying low. Now her doughy skin, fleecy brows, curled up lashes, her keen nose, her translucent lips that seems too perfect to kiss and her trenchant eyes that never seems to run out of galaxies inside were all too overwhelming for me to see at once. Yet here I am with a bursting heart challenging to make contact with her flesh to flesh as if my skin won't burn at all. Yet it does, it does make me burn.

But her dangerous touch feels too good to just reject the risk.

"Lisa, know that I care. Even if it I don't appear to be." My voice was mellow, vibing with the newness of the morning. "I know. Even if you don't say anything . . . I know." She responded with a tone a pitch softer than before. Lisa has always been my assurance, and I wish I can also be hers.

 But that. I can only wish.

"This would've been better if you were with someone who's not me." Sadness was oblivious, as I was reminded that there will always be an end to good things such as this moment right here. That all of this won't be a consistent setting of tranquility. "I wish I can give you what you deserve with no vanity." I continued. "But you know how a fucked up person I am and how can I never give wholly." My weary thoughts started to lure over me, as I crunched my own heart. Then Lisa hushed me and held me tighter, her nose was lined to mine, as I can feel her being cover me. What a safe place to be. My thoughts warmed. 

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