An Equal Begining

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Equestria Girls: Equal As One

Its a nice day around crystal prep high, while the canterlot students went to camp everfree during the summer, the crystal prep high went to school during the summer, or a summer school to ber preciese

The shadowbolts team were around cafeteria taking a break but at the same time frustrated that they have a school during the summer

indigo: this stinks! ugh! i wish i never enter crystal prep in the first place!

sugarcoat: i can agree at the same time, altought soo my parents think this is a fine solution for my greater education to study here

lemon: maybe we should move to canterlot high instead...since twilight and the rainbooms went to camp everfree

sunny: camp everfree?

lemon: oh right! forgot to mention that last night twilight was online for the last time before she went to camp everfree she mention that place

sour: well i hope she having a great day...while we here are started to loose our mind of boredom!

indigo: *sigh* after this summer over im going to ask my parents to move to canterlot high instead, seems that place is alot more fun

lemon: yeah! i cant even play my favourite song on music room because it violate the rules of canterlot high, well no thank you i rather move there instead

sugarcoat: hmmm i better ask father about this, i do have good behaviour and grades around here.

before the girls could say anything, cinch give the whole crystal prep student an anouncement through speaker.

cinch: attention student, today class will finished around 12 pm, remember this scedule have been change due to lack of our school stuff, thank you

after the announcement, the girls decide to talk about it

indigo: huh...well at least i can get some rest today

sugarcoat: i can agree that, now we have two hours before school is done soo we better get back to our classes imediatly

the shadowbolts went back to the respective classes unaware that something was about to happen sooner or later.

Headmistress Cinch Office

As cinch was writing some paper work on her desk, she was interupted by principal cadence

cadence: excuse me miss cinch?, there is a new student that arrived today

cinch: ah, that must be the new student i been waiting for, a replacement for our star school genius twilight sparkle of course

cadence: understood miss...

cinch: now bring her in i wanted to talk to her consider the canterlot high student wasting their summer time on some camping at least they should take a prime example like us of course but in bitter run we tied up our last friendship games up against canterlot high

cadence: yes miss now ill call in the new student.

as the new student enter, she wears a formal crystal prep uniform with a purple skirt with an logo on it, she wears an equal arm band on her left arm and she have a tied up pony tail style hair.

cinch: come in little girl i have much to discuss

?: such as?

cinch: well your acedemics were impressive ill say, far impressive then our former star student twilight sparkle that moved away to canterlot high, our school rival , another our top student who were expeled due to some disturbing reports, her name was agatha she was another of our best star student that turned into psychopath due to learn an art of magic, somehow in the report that when sunset used to be bad she did something to her and causing her to get a revenge but...our staff found this newfound news fast and imediatly expled her. Another great loss isnt it?

?: i can trully see that for you see, people can be...some unforseen side effect upon themself, me however can corrected that mistake

cinch: i hope you not one of those magical type girl..right?

?: that? i hear a news but of course not! im perfectly normal human being

cinch: good well i dont wanted another mishap like in previous friendship games, now would you kindly sign here

?: *sign the paper work and another paper work before its done*

cinch: good now lets see hmm, ah you name is starlight glimmer i presume?

starlight: yes

cinch: now what you wanted to learn around crystal prep high hmm?

starlight: *a sinister smile* just one perfect day in my life of course

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