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The rainbooms began to pony up in their new powers they recived from the camp everfree incident, however human starlight wasnt amused but pony starlight however were amazed

starlight: hah! is that your soo call new power? all i see is a childs play to me

RD: CHILD PLAY!? why you!-

sunset: easy rainbow! dont let her get into you

starlight: thats right! fear! scream! and be afraid! haha!

sci-twi: we will stop you!, girls lets get her!

the girls with their new power, attack starlight while the shadowbolts joins in as well, however it proven to be useless

the shadowbolts try to tackle her down but she uses her telekinesis power to lift them up and throw them away into distance, while the rainbooms were manage to recover themself, starlight didnt give them a chance. Pony starlight uses her own attack against her counterpart but shocked when human starlight dodge her attack and use her very own spell against pony starlight causing her to trapped inside the crystal but manage to get free afterwards.

sunset: this isnt working! she far too powerfull!

pony starlight: more powerfull than i am!

twilight: girls! retreat!

the rainbooms and the shadowbolts were forced to retreat back, starlight could only laugh to see her enemy running away from fear. Starlight then began to think another plan she might fear that they might counter attack her again.

Back to the rainbooms and the shadowbolts

The girls manage to get away from human starlight as all of them were tired and weak from the fight. Even with the rainbooms newfound powers, they still werent match against human starlight massive power she have in.

RD: this isn't working! starlight way too powerfull!

pony starlight: i agree, even with my magic she was able to dodge and withstand it with no problems.

twilight: kinda reminds of yourself when you were...well that

pony starlight: i know but her was more powerfull than mine

sunset: we need a plan, any ideas twilight?

twilight: i do, in order to defeat starlight you need to keep your friends close and also your old enemies closer

indigo: what is that supposed to be mean!?

twilight: i took notice that human twilight and sunset entities still there.

sunset and sci-twi: WHAT!?

indigo: woah woah! hold up! you mean midnight still there?

sci-twi: b-but i though i belived the magic of friendship, how she was still be there?

sunset: yeah same as mine too how is that possible?

twilight: magic of friendship somehow redeem your dark entities of yourself, but in long shot we need them both in order to defead human starlight, and also we need those sirens too

RD: them!? no way! those sirens are nothing but a bad luck! last time they almost tear apart our friendship!

sunset: as much i hate to do it but we need they help. Like it or not we have to stop starlight and we need any allies we can find. As for finding the sirens, the shadowbolts should help us finding them

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