In Chaos Part 1

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In Chaos Part 1  

Crystal Empire

(before the Equestria Girls event)

twilight sparkle was sleeping in the room for the peperation for tommorow, unknown to her and spike that something is going to happen today

after twilight and spike having their good sleep, starlight appear out of nowhere and grab the crown, however she having an unexpected guest that also trying to get the crown. In the right moment when she take a hold the crown, sunset shimmer arrived too late when she see starlight took the hold on the precious crown.

sunset: what the!?

starlight: aww you were expecting to have this? well too bad it seems there is a change of time soo in other means im afraid that you have to think about this part the hard way

at the moment twilight was awoken at the sudden development and starlight dissapear in thin air. Sunset trying to escape but was captured immediatly by the guards

Canterlot High
(present time)

while the girls were thinking about their plans, without warning, pony twilight, pony starlight and sunset got a massive headache and fell on their knees cluthing their heads.

after a moment they were fine again after the massive headache

sci-twi: whats wrong! are you okay?

pony starlight: cant be my counterpart didnt just do what i think she just did!

sunset: she alter the timeline! i can feel new memory surge into my head, i was trying to get twilight crown then all out of nowhere starlight came out of nowhere and snatch the crown before i did and then i was been captured by a guard

twilight: same thing happen to me, i remember guard caught you and were bring to celestia

indigo: i have a bad feeling about this girls

RD: same as me but...oh wait is that starlight?

the girls look where RD pointed at and saw starlight appear out of nowhere but what shocked twilight and sunset most is the crown she holding it

twilight and sunset: no way! the crown!?

starlight: suprise!? look what i snag around when i travel back in time

twilight: no no no no! this cant be happening! you shouldnt tamper with the timeline! who knows what might happen!

starlight: dont worry twilight, everything is fine and besides you should be more concern about yourself and your friends. How about you witness when i wear this crown then?

starlight wears the crown and the magic surges in towards her, the same thing that happen to sunset before and in full effect the siren gem she wear also in effect as she slowly transforming into another demon girl. Once the transformation is completed she were look like a midnight sparkle few difference is that she have a bat wing a set or heavy armor.

starlight: yes! i can feel it! i can feel the power surge into me! i can feel the cosmic balance of cosmos! i can feel the universe! GODDESS! kneel before me weaklings!

RD: ah great...she is now insane like the rest of demon girls

as she said this she got an glare from two former demon entity, midnight and sunrise who glare at rainbow dash at her choice of words

RD: uhh i mean previous victim! yeah!

midnight: thats better

sunrise: listen starlight you have no chance against us, surrender now!

starlight: oh how delightfull! well surrendering is not an option im afraid. Better yet how about ill introduce you to my power!

without warning starlight unleashed a barrage of lighting power surge through her hand as she do harm towards the girls.


before starlight could finished them off she was shoot from behind by someone, didnt kill her but mostly annoying her and hurt her. When she turn around she see a boy but the rainbooms know him, it was flash sentry holding a sniper rifle.

flash: hey! stay away from the girl you freak!

starlight: and i though you already ran off guitar boy! how noble to be a hero but alas, a hero must die!

before starlight could do any harm princess twilight viciously tackles her down and try to chocke her to death

twilight: dont you dare hurt my boyfriend you fiend!

starlight: off me you abomination!

the girls were also trying to tackle her before they were thrown away by her power even flash was been thrown next to them.

starlight: enough! now you die!

pony starlight: not today! eat distructo disc!

her pony counterpart throw the energy distructo disc but human starlight quickly deflected it with easy.

starlight: its that all you got? i seen better than that

adagio: option B princess?

twilight: sunrise, get gloriosa and timber in here asap! same does you midnight go!

midnight: understood twilight

sci-twi: be carefull midnight

as both former entity went off starlight took notice this

starlight: sending help well by the time they back here you all already dead!

RD: not while we still breathing starlight

The girls are having a hard time fighting with overpowered human starlight and they could only pray if they manage to hold her off while midnight and sunrise get help

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