As Soon As Possible

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As Soon As Possible

Crystal prep high wasn't much of any activity lately, consider half of their staff on vacation during summer day the rest of the school day was boring however. But that doesnt stop a certain girl who observing the surrounding area, she found it very dissapointing..

Student argued each other with different belives, while some have some disagreement but others were fighting who is right and who is wrong

starlight: what a shamefull display...but soon it all change when i make my mark towards this school first then the rest will follow soon enough.

as she in her tought she was unaware that the shadowbolts member took notice on her as they immediatly notice she is new student just sign in around crystal prep high.

indigo: hey isnt that a new student

sugarcoat: i can see that, but what is she thinking?

sunny: well lets give her a warm welcome in crystal prep high

the girls approach her as starlight began to notice the girls approaching her, she kept her friendly faces towards the newcommers

starlight: hello there! its good to see you, im quite need some help to get around the school

indigo: well why dont you say soo! we can totally get you around here!

starlight: sure i wanted to know about the school

The shadowbolts shows her the places around crystal prep high

sugarcoat: we have computer room where all of us doing some resereach, but i hope you can get used people around the computer room sometimes watch YouTube Video around here, especially indigo watching her favourite anime and lemon zest that always checking her mystable account and facebook and download some music

lemon: well sunset tell me that MyStable account have some great stuff on in even better than facebook though

indigo: yeah well mark zuckerberg still rich soo even the establishment of MyStable Account couple of back when around 2014 and..also the anon-a-miss incident...yeah not much people log in around MyStable

starlight: anon-a-miss?

sour: its a long story, from tales of our friends sunset shimmer, WHEN SHE WAS BEEN ACCUSSED THANKS TO THAT KIDS!

starlight: o-okay?...

sunny: ignore her now let me show you the libarary, even most better than canterlot libarary but it has alot of most ancient and well preserved book that behind to our school suceeed, mainly why theres alot of student pass their exam only less majority of people failed

starlight: interesthing

sour: next you have labs, where i blow the heck outta experiment!

sugarcoat: yeah...that

indigo: soo since we show everything, i hope whenever you have a class or have an assignment, you can go the location we showed you

lemon: and you probally already knew where is the principal office right, besides...ugh cinch office

starlight: headmistress cinch already show me where principal dean cadence room is

sugarcoat: nice, i belived we are going to get along with you just fine

starlight: *grins* yes, just fine at all my good friend

Cadence Office Room

Shining armor and principal dean cadence have some talk for a moment about her pregency, consider they been married three years ago

cadence: oh shining, im just nervous about the baby

shining: cadence honey, it will be alright im more concern about twily though

cadence: twilight will be alright in camp everfree, i just wish crystal prep could join as well but...ugh cinch wouldnt allowed it because canterlot is the school rival

shining: *sigh* well i hope she resign, but what puzzle me was how come the school board havent took notice this event?

cadence: dont know honey, i wish i knew

shining: what i have a feeling that twilight going to get involved by magic again for some reason?

cadence: oh she will be fine, i...kinda hope soo

12:30 Pm later on
Starlight Glimmer Apartment

Starlight just taking notes what happen today, the information and everything including the picture of two demonic girls name sunset and twilight plus a three sirens which starlight cant found them, presumly already leave canterlot city during battle of the bands, she needs to find them later for now she have the picture of the rainbooms thanks to the blogger from crystal prep high of course, now all she needs is to investigate the canterlot high tommorow

starlight: excelent now the next phase in on effect

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