In Chaos Part 2

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In Chaos Part 2

Camp Everfree

Midnight and sunrise arrived at camp everfree to seek help from gloriosa, she however wasnt expected that she were needed however

gloriosa: you want to me do what!?

sunrise: exactly! we need your help gloriosa, you previous turn into gaia everfree has unlock potential power inside you we need your help

gloriosa: no no no no! i have nothing to do with that magic stuff anymore! i turned into a nutjob girl that almost destroyed camp everfree!

sunrise: but they need you!

midnight: help us or let starlight destroyed everything you work soo hard on! you choose

timber: she does got a point.

gloriosa think about it first but then both of them do have a point as she finally reach her decisions.

gloriosa: im in

timber: me too

midnight: good! now hold still gloriosa im going to transformed you back to gaia everfree, this might be hurt

Canterlot High

The girls didnt go too well as starlight keep dodging their attack and retaliate them with more powerfull magic. The sirens put a good fight and manage to harm down starlight the same does her pony counterpart when she also attack starlight with anything she got left

twilight began to notice that demon human starlight began to get weaker but still able to shrug off their attack with nothing

twilight: this is useless! there is no where we going to win this out!

sunset: she way too powerfull, she is absorbing that time scroll and the crown like leech, as long as it stays there she get an unlimited power she can.

starlight: looks like you girls are loosing! i am going to be victorious! hahahaha!

indigo: would you ever shut up!

before starlight could finished them off, she was been blast off by two of the former entity that went on to seek help however they werent alone, infact they have some help with them instead

its gloriosa daisy in her gaia everfree from only slighty different than the one they see before, eye color were normal like how the redeem one looks like and her eye pupils were green but what never change was her clothes are, she still wearing the signature gaia everfree clothes

gloriosa: hold it sucker! you lay your hands off them you hear me!

starlight: great another playmate to play!

timber: we not your playmate we here to stop you!

midnight: thats right, only this time were wont go easy on you

starlight: please! i never easy on my opponent you however are dead to me!

sunset: okay girls! lets hit her what we got!

indigo: yeah! lets teach this creep try to not messed with us!

adagio: if anyone try to control this universe it will be me!

aria: stop aria just stop


all the girls while flash and timber joining in too were all out attack her and starlight were immediatly assaulted with a barrage of kicks and punch and even magic blast.

she immediatly got punch in her guts by her pony counterpart before gloriosa punch her in the face many time.

starlight retaliate with lighting attack at the group of shadowbolts while she punch both timber and flash in the face before she kick pinkie pie in her face breaking her tooth in the process

rarity got punch in the face breaking her tooth in the front while aj were worst she were punch in the left cheeks breaking five of her tooth however.

Rarity wrere in deep mad as she retaliate by blasting her with her magic joining her were pony starlight who attacking her with magic sword. The shadowbolts tackle her down while the girls holding her, indgio punch her in the face multiple time before she was blast off with starlight laser visions afterwards that the shadowbolts were thrown away once more.

starlight retaliate once more by attacking pinkie pie breaking her left shoulders before punching her in the gut causig her to cough up some blood in her mouth before been falcon punch by starlight throwing her away. Sci-twi wasnt pay attention until it was too late, starlight punch her in her face soo hard that her glasses were broke down before starlight attack her again by breaking her left ribs then punching her right cheeks broken two of her tooth before been punch in her stomach as sci-twi coughing some blood that came through her mouth before been visiously thrown away like a ragdoll.

the sirens werent unfortunate as starlight punch aria in the face causing her having a black left eye before been thrown away while sonata got more worst as starlight broke her left leg before kicking her off and adagio were punch in the face by starlight broking some of her tooth before starlight throw her away, gloriosa were attack too by starlight retaliation as human starlight use her claw to rip off gloriosa suit, luckly half of them were ripped only were seen are her blue bra, however starlight uses her claw again to scratch off gloriosa face before kicking her off distance.

Rainbow dash, indigo, sugarcoat and Applejack retaliate back at starlight as each of them delivered a several kicks and punches at starlight. Human starlight were caught in suprised when RD punches her in her stomach causing starlight to cough off a blood in her mouth before been brutally kick off by angry sugarcoat who her glasses were broke down with several bruises on her face too. Pinkie retaliate by grabing one of the iron baseball bat that laying around on the broken store she crashed in and repeatedly hit starlight over and over again on her body, hear head, hear arms and legs too.

joining her was sci-twi who grab a sladgehammer and slam starlight right off, injuring more at demon starlight glimmer.

starlight decide that enough is enough as she realeased a shockwave, throwing them off the battle.

Starlight: ENOUGH! I HAVE THROUGH YOUR GAMES *tired look on her face and angry and the same time injured as well*

RD: *spits some blood on her mouth* oh dont worry we all just getting started having fun

sci-twi: *have some blood on her mouth and her nose but dont wear glasses anymore* you just make a**ch!.

fluttershy: *bruised all over her body with a broke left arm*! you going down!

sunset: *have some broken tooth as well as a claw mark on her left side of her face* this little...a**holes...need to know who you messing with!...redeem or are soo done for it starlight

pony starligh: well...violent wasnt the just have to push my...button huh!?...

starlight: *grins* why not come get me then you little...twerps!

Final battle is near, they are now going to defeat starlight glimmer with some violence

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