Equality Begins Part 1

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Equality Begins Part 1

Starlight began to explain how the staff works, while some of the shadowbolt interesthing indigo decide to share some secret regarding about what happens around canterlot high

indigo: soo thats how it goes

starlight: interesthing, i thank you for that information

sugarcoat: alright we all set, we ready to move on to canterlot high

sour: consider class today finished up at 12 pm soo right now its the best time

starlight: excelent! proceed my good friend

Canterlot High

Starlight was looking twilight profile and what she find was interesthing, the shadowbolt took notice this but decide to ignore it

starlight: girls, may i ask who is charming thunder?

indigo: him? oh he's twilight ex-boyfriend they didnt get too well due to problem, twilight never tell us what actually happens

sunny: its mysterious i tell you

starlight: ill find out later on right now are the equipment set?

sugarcoat: its set, but pray to tell me that what are doing with twilight equipments here that hooked up with canterlot high statue?

indigo: pretty much that horse statue got destroyed by twilight

sour: which is also our fault that causing her to turned like that

lemon: well when she came back lets all invite the rainbooms and twilight into our party, a sorry party

starlight: i can agree with that but right now lets start

sugarcoat: well here we goes

sugarcoat activated the divice and soon enough, the machine transfered the energy from the statue to the staff. The girls witness the broken staff slowly been put back into peices again and after that the staff of sameness is reborn again.

starlight: at last!, the staff of sameness is reborn once more! and this time its unbreakable!

sugarocat: well thats all dandy but...what you gonna do about it?

starlight look at the staff then look at the shadowbolts, the girls were looking at her as she shift her attention back and fort at the staff then at them before suddenly she gives the girls a sinister and creepy grins which indigo quickly took notice it

indigo: oh no...not again

sugarcoat: what? what is it indigo?

indigo: that grins means no good

lemon: yup, we just got fooled by an evil girl

starlight: evil? oh no my dear friends, evil is a harsh words, ever since that day i wanted people to be equal

indigo: equal? as if the same thing?

starlight: good girl! looks like someone knew what equilty means, yes i wanted everything to be the same, no more chaos, no more bloodshed and no more misunderstanding and pain. Just like how twilight felt when she was mistreated now wouldnt she?

indigo: twilight?

starlight: yes twilight, i heard what you girls did, the pain, the sorrow, the pressure and the sadness all of those that causing her internal pain that lead her to become the soo call midnight sparkle, the very thing that each of everyone that make her sad, how annoying, you called yourself a crystal prep but all i see that you all a just bunch of bullys that wanted more anything but to win and twilight was another dead beat for you isnt it?

Each of them felt upset, remember what they did to twilight.

Flashback 1

Indigo: hey twilight!

twilight: y-yeah?

indigo: hey you good at science stuff right?

twilight: yeah? is there something wrong?

indigo: you see heres the thing, can you do this homework for me? because i dont wanted your handwriting to be notice by our science teacher i might get in trouble? the reason why im telling you this its because i got a soccer practice today.

twilight: s-sure i can do that

indigo: thanks and if not done right, you know what happens next?

twilight: *sigh* locker again...

Flashback 2

Sunny: i cant belived it! you cant do things right!

twilight: im soo soo sorry!

sunny: sorry!? you blew up an entire cafeteria with you stupid science stuff! this is the third time! would you do me a favor a die please

Flashback 3

sour: are soo annoying you know that

twilight: i dont mean to be like that...

flashback 4

sugarcoat: for a girl with great intelect, i find you to be a another competition, just stay out of my way

twilight: i understand

flashback 5

lemon: these headphones are cost a fiffty dolars you know! i cant belived you break it! you better have a money to cover these up!

twilight: but i dont have that kind of money

lemon: well you better be because im going to break these nice scanning device you put soo hard on it

twilight: no! wait! give me some time! ill promise!

Flashback ends

The girls felt bad about themself, remembering humiliated twilight and saw her crying each and everyday. And they knew it was their fault at the very begining.

starlight: you see, you girls are like a tumor a growth that was sticking around twilight for soo long. Even you change and befriends with them you girls are still a tumor in my point of view

indigo: true, we did treated twilight that way in the past, but that doesnt mean we can try to be a better person!

sugarcoat: so does me

lemon: and me!

sunny: and me!

sour: and me too!

starlight: well, it seems you girls learn afterall, however i cant let you girls ruined my special plans, you girls need to be put on a cage

without warning the girls were trapped in the purple dome, starlight just laugh at her newfound power she got

starlight: ah yes the neat dome trick i used before, it seems the spells even more powerfull with the upgraded magic.

indigo: dont do this! you going to get yourself in trouble when they came back

starlight: the rainbooms? oh dont worry, when they arrived one hour later on ill give them a warm welcomed but first lets see if i can do something about that crystal prep high problems. Oh thanks for your help now ill reward you later

lemon: yeah no thanks

starlight leaves the girls behind, the shadowbolts trying to think and how to warned the rainbooms.

indigo: shoot! i left my phone on my backpack back at crystal prep high

sugarcoat: same as for all of us too

sour: DANG IT! WHY!?

With starlight manage to proceed her phase of her plans, the rainbooms going to have a nasty suprise when they get back.

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