Equality Begins Part 2

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Equality Begins Part 2

The bus from camp everfree just arrived hours later on, the student came out the bus since they arrived on canterlot high.

The rainbooms were just experience another magical mishap involving, their camp counselor turned into a being called gaia everfree, the victim that turned into the third she-demon was gloriosa daisy who have shortage of fund to pay the money to filthy rich, an ill result causing her to turned into a being called gaia everfree, thanks to the rainbooms they put the stop to her an save camp everfree from been shut down by filthy rich.

What happen next afterwards, the girls are going to get a nasty suprise after returning from camp everfree.

RD: man! its good to be back!

AJ: ill say ah think today theres not going be any magical mishap

sunset: you sure? because why the shadowbolts in the magical dome?

the girls see the shadowbolts trapped in the magical dome near the broken statue, they even see some equipments which human twilight realise it was her stuff.

sci-twi: hey isnt this my stuff?

sunset: and what is going on here?

starlight: ill tell you what is going on, ill say welcome back you little wondercolt, i been expecting your returns

the girls saw starlight glimmer floating in mid air holding her staff of sameness as she talk to them

starlight: if i overhear you girls have another magical mishap in camp everfree isnt it? well how about another magical mishap with no rest!

RD: aww come on!

starlight trapped the rainbooms into the magical dome the same dome that trapped the shadowbolts however sci-twi escaped and hide before starlight quickly notice one of them were missing.

starlight: hey! where's the other one!?

sunset: she get help and you far too late now

without warning starlight grab through the dome and look at her in the face.

Starlight: we shall see about that, i wont be matter if she bring some help because that's when i need that princess power!

sunset: oh no

starlight: ill just leave you girls be here while the cowards that ran off will be hunted down later on but first i have a score to settle with the crystal prep high

as starlight leaves, human twilight came out from her hiding and see what happen to her friends.

sunset: twilight! send a messege to princess twilight tell her we have a big situation

RD: really really big situation!

sci-twi: im on it, dont worry girls help is on the way

human twilight began to wrote down on the diary to seek help from princess of friendship about the looming danger that started once more.

With starlight rampanging with her power, human twilight decide to seek help from princess need any help they can to stop starlight

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