Unholy Alliance

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Unholy Alliance

starlight attack the group using her magic, the shadowbolts were forced to ran off to safe distance

indigo: that was close!

sonata: ill say! we almost got killed! is that starlight you girls mention?

sugarcoat: yeah, and she getting more powerfull than i thought

adagio: and is that our pendant she using!?

lemon: apparently only one two of them were destroyed but one of them were in keep save by our friend

adagio: thats my pendant she using! how she were able to repair it!?

sour: well magic of course

aria: look just take us to them we might have a chance to work this out

Canterlot High

two of the relased entity were having an conversation with sunset and sci-twi, the rainbooms didnt expected that the former demon were change from their previous self, sunset were skeptical at first but then she saw her previous demonic self or rather now a brighter self were have a few changes around her.

sci-twi: you not going to kill me arent you?

midnight: of course not silly! why i wanna do that?

sci-twi: because last time you were about to kill me? remember?

midnight: oh yeah! oh my gosh! im soo sorry if i acted like way i was super bad and then when you belived in magic your magic clean everything inside of me. Those negative emotion you pile up since you in crystal prep high were turning me into something else but when you well become me i was unstoppable then got defeated by sunset and when back into mind once more i become angry and upset soo the only solution is to invade your dream and try to took control you but...you fought back and belived a magic of friendship...then those magic...they...clean me out from...from the darkness...

sci-twi: you are change

midnight: yes, yes my dear...sister

sunrise: huh this feels weird, i can feel the change

sunset: i can see that, you were look like my form when i transfrom to fight against midnight

before sunset could continued the shadowbolts return with the dazzlings with them.

twilight: oh good! you girls are back and..

before twilight could say anything adagio attack her and chocking her up


twilight: n-no...please...let..me explain...

before adagio could even finish her up, aria and sonata quickly grab adagio and pull her away from twilight. As twilight were struggle to breathe, adagio were furious at two of their friends

aria: are you out of your mind!? you going to kill her!

adagio: since when you care about her! she's and her rainbooms friends are the one who responsible for our loss of power!

aria: dont you get it aria, that power make us insane! look at us when we got those power, we almost become a pshycopath!

adagio: i...

sonata: besides, its better to have a normal life than having those crazy power, heck i almost become super insane evil as well.

aria: look i know how much you hated twilight and her friends, but things have to change adagio, even we loose our singing power we still a siren no matter what. So how about we help them and maybe princess twilight could help us to restore back those power

adagio: *sigh* very well


Starlight were unable to after the girls however but she have to return back to her throne in crystal prep high. Suprinsgly cinch and the rest of her student still there and further insult to injury cinch was turned back into a teenage girl where she was the same age as the rainbooms or rainbow dash or even adagio.

cinch: what the!? what did you do to me *gasp as she realise her younger voice* im young!?

starlight: why yes, but just a memo that spell is powerfull you need to regrow back into adulthood again

cinch: WHAT!? have you realise what have you done young lady!?

starlight: just doing my job and based on my scan towards the mind of my counterpart and princess twilight apparently they have a time scroll which is now forever in time stream. Well we see about that.

starlight then perform a spell, after a while a scroll was appear in front of her as she finished her spell up she grab the scroll and grins on her latest success

starlight: at last! the time scroll! now i can travel back in time to grab that crown from being destroyed!

A time scroll recovered, with princess twilight unaware of this situation things are going to get ugly further more.

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