Just A Begining

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Just A Begining

The girls have an stand off, who gonna strike first? that is until rarity spoke up

rarity: you naughty little...b**ch! you did not just ruined my hair, messed up with our great day and also ruined our relaxing time after...OUR MISENCOUTER WITH ANOTHER MAGICAL MISHAP! SOO KINDLY I WANTED A RELAXING DAY FOR ONCE!

gloriosa: you know what!? i agree on her! lets take her out girls!

starlight: just look at you all, you pathetic! all of you! its going to take more than that to defeated me you fools!

as starlight laugh about this, princess twilight in her deep thoughs before she decide a drastic measure she came out in her head.

twilight: girls i have a plan, but i need your help on this

sunset: whats the plan?

twilight: your girls need to give me all your powers soo i can fight off starlight glimmer, im afraid she is beyond redeemption here

pony starlight: hate to say this but...you right...its too bad it have to came through like this...

RD: well...go get her twilight!

fluttershy: we trust on you

twilight: you can count on me girls!

the girls, minus flash and timber were giving in their energy to princess twilight as she prepare to give starlight something she wouldnt forget.

when twilight are all powered up, she is prepare to fight demon starlight in the final battle but what abnormal is that the clouds were all started to get dark and the lighting were green, at this moment adagio knew that this is going to be bad

adagio: oh boy...this is not good

indigio: what do you mean?

adagio: i better hope the princess didnt go too much on that power

bot starlight and twilight clash on each other, two of them ready to give a punch but however twilight were giving starlight a punch at her stomach.

twilight: hey starlight! say my name!

at this moment, twilight punch through at her guts and releasing all the energy that pile up inside her, as starlight slowly breaking away before saying her last word as she floated in mid air with her powers she been using are now unstable in dagerous level.

starlight: TWILIGHT!

as she said this starlight exploded, realasing all the energy in air causing a vortex rift to open up and began sucking in also.

adagio: you fools! you just open up a rift! it will drag us off into an unknown dimension!

twilight: how is that my fault!

aria: but telling your friends to give their enery to you soo you can all power up, the enery that were gather inside you were unstable thus when you destroyed starlight with all those power it created a rift! a rift that take us to nowhere zone!

each of the girls hold in dear life before the rainbooms, the shadowbolts, the sirens, glorisoa,midnight, sunrise, flash sentry and timber spruce were suck into the dimension vortex taking them to some other demension or alternate reality.

All of them were spiral out inside the vortex before the rift hole were open and they landed. When the girls finally regain back their energy dispite the injuries they realise they back at canterlot city, and also they landed in canterlot high which the statue still there broken.

RD: hah! i guess it take us back where we started!

adagio: what!? thats impossible!? it were supposed to take us somewhere...

indigo: who cares! we defeated starlight! woohoo!

all of them celebrated their victory, except fluttershy and sugarcoat who began to notice something is wrong here as both of them trying to say something

sugarcoat and fluttershy: umm...girls i think we have an problem here...look behind you

as the group notice them, they turn around only for them to get shocked on what they see, there was an alternate rainbooms and alternate shadowbolts who were different. For instance the alternate shadowbolts were wearing an normal clothes and study at canterlot high while the alternate rainbooms were wearing a crystal prep uniform and study at crystal prep high, and things get worst when cinch check in the comotion and see what is going on and she was shocked on what she see and joining cinch were principal celestia which shocking them more

cinch was an headmistress in canterlot high while principal celestia were an principal in crystal prep high.

both group stare amongs each other before alternate AJ say something which shocked aj most

Alt aj: i do say darling you girls just crawl out in the war or something?

alt rarity: are you kidding bro?! that looks awsome! i mean look at them yo!

rarity and aj: what the f**k!?

flash: oookaaayy...adagio was right...we are in different dimension now!

adagio: hah! i told you soo!

at this moment, indigo fell on her knees before she yelling at the skies


her screams can be hear from miles away and through accross the milky way galaxies before the screen turns black as her screams ecos accross the galaxy far away.

The End?...I think not
Sequel that is!

The girls got trapped into alternate dimension and they will try to get back home into their real dimension. For now this place is their temporary home.

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