No Match For The Equality

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No Match For The Equality

Friendship Castle

With the gang got back from their mishap with the changeling twilight saw starlight with an sad expression on her face.

Twilight: starlight? you alright?

Pony Starlight: oh hey i just keep thinking that queen chrisalis

twilight: oh starlight, chrisalis was beyond redemption however i belived she can be redeem for her past mistake dispite my upset towards my brother wedding i would say that whenever chrisalis is she must be hiding since thorax send the messeges towards all the changelings towards the news

pony starlight: ill say, every changeling change into this rainbow colored changelings, its really great except chrisalis, i could wish she understand

twilight: dont worry we will find her

while both of them were talking, the dairy at her table began to rang.

twilight: huh? looks our dear friend sunset have a messege to say

pony starlight: i wonder what friendship lesson she wrote down?

as princess twilight reads, her expression become serius as she keep reading causing starlight to get concern about her teacher, after that the princess finally done reading the dairy

twilight: my friends in trouble i gotta go to human world

pony starlight: wait! can i come this time? im curious twilight

twilight: oh i dont know starlight

pony starlight: ill be in my good behavior twilight, i promise

twilight: alright, get your bags and we heading to human world

twilight and starlight began to pack their stuff up and heading towards the human world, starlight will first experience this weird sensation before both them arrived into human world.

Human world

human twilight manage to free all of her friends, no doubt thanks to the spell she found to pop those magical dome before she notice the princess has arrived

all the rainbooms: twilight! you back!

indigo: well theres the counterpart twilight talking about

while the girls happy to see the princess again, the pony starlight manage to adjust herself as she become the human in this world. She wears a light purple skirt the same color as her hair and a light blue clothes.

pony starlight: phew! hey twilight i did it!

pinkie: hey! its starlight!

indigo: get her!

the rainbooms and the shadowbolts tackle down poor pony starlight down causing the princess to get shocked

pony starlight: wait! wait! this must be a misunderstanding!

sunset: there is no misunderstanding, you trying to hurt twilight!

before anything happen, princess twilight engulft both group with her purple magic to prevent anything happen again.

twilight: enough! according to my counterpart, starlight in this world wreacking havoc in here, this here is my student the pony starlight and you almost trying to hurt her for goodness sake!

sci-twi: wait! her clothes and her hair style is way different!

sunset: oh...whoops...

twilight use her magic to put down two of the groups as they finally calm down from the whole ordeal

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