The Canterlot High

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The Canterlot High

It took at least few minutes for starlight to arrived from crystal prep high to canterlot high, she were wearing a simple black hoodie with dark purple skirt and a dark boots.

As she arrived she notice that the school statue was missing, if she wasn't mistaken the statue was destroyed by twilight as she turned into a she demon according to the rumors, it took time for starlight to analysis the video and it conformed that she indeed turned. Currently miss twilight sparkle was in camp everfree alongside with her rainbooms friends. Speaking of rainbooms, starlight were pleased and happy that the rainbooms wont try to disturbed her plans while she took a peek inside their band room, currently its six in the morning soo nobody went into canterlot high just yet, soo it gives her time to stole the file inside the rainbooms band room.

starlight right now is entering the canterlot high without nobody seeing it, her first thing to do is to enter principal celestia office.

starlight: hmm, now where did you put those rainbooms information? it must be here somewhere

after searching and searching, she finally got each of the rainbooms files, as she leaves she went into the rainbooms band room and went to search for sunset files, a files where she keep the experiment on the rainbooms power in the desk.

starlight: hah! foolish sunset, she shouldn't have keep the file here, now i better get out of here before anybody notice that im traspassing here.

after that moment, sunset left canterlot high and took the bus that went back to crystal prep high where she began to formulate her plans, using this files

Crystal Prep High
Twilight Sparkle Old Room

Cinch presented starlight with twilight old room during her arrival yesterday, starlight could only grin that twilight forgotten to take some of her stuff back with her, she even left behind some of her tech and even all of the picture that connected to canterlot high, starlight could only giggle when twilight make such a mistake, first mistake she make is that she should never ever leave her stuff behind and now starlight use twilight former room as her strategic planning.

starlight: lets see, a she-demon? hmm ah sunset shimmer, she used to be this big time bully and her record during the time was impresive at many subjects but bad towards the behavior records, and eventuly after princess twilight sparkle intervention it change her lifes and do good things. Not bad but not good enough in my opinion.

lets see more, hmm

starlight took her time to examine each of the file, eventualy she learn much from the information she gathered. Now starlight got what she needed, her next big plan is took over crystal prep high, to do that she needs the staff of sameness which were destroyed thanks to knights of order that stopped her, she need to rebuild it using the magic and she have an idea on how to reconstructed it back.

Crystal Prep Cafe

The shadowbolts were discussing their current events as well as indigo talking to twilight through her cell phone.

Twilight: i dont know seems all of this magic stuff happening around my friends and the camp everfree its my fault

Indigo: what? oh twilight dont be like that, that magic is a gift a blessing, you should be happy and try to forget about midnight sparkle she is gone

twlight: i dont know indigo, i can felt she still inside of me

before indigo could continued, she spotted starlight coming towards them and for some reason indigo felt uneasy about starlight for some reason.

indigo: yo i could chat you more twi but i gotta go there is something going on here

indigo end her conversation between twilight before she and her friends talk to starlight

starlight: hello there my friends

lemon: we just meet soo...

indigo: we are friends starlight, now what brings you here

starlight: something big but...

sugarcoat: but what?

starlight: would you girls help me on a...certain project? its called project sameness

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