Part 9

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The episode starts with ragini and swara bringing luggage for their outing..

Sanskar takes it and keeps in back of car.
Laksh comes their and smiles to sanskar.
He too smiles a little bit because of ragini force. Who is signaling him to smile from Laksh back..

Sanskar opens door to ragini beside him.
He looks confused seeing her not sitting inside and standing biting her nails..

Ragini:-actually i want to sit with swara if u dont mind shall i sit back.

Sanskar :-ok your wish.

Immediately her face lits up making him to smile..

(Rags sits back so that laksh sits front beside, laksh .) this was also their plan..

Sanskar sits on driving seat.. When Laksh sits next to him. He tightens his grip on car wheel..

But composes him self sensing ragini gaze on him..

He starts the car without saying anything making three of them to breath in relaxation..

After sometime..

Ragini is enjoying nature by opening window.

The air makes her hair blow back and her face has a little smile with closed eyes.

Sanskar watches her threw front mirror and keeps on looking her with a smile.

Laksh:-bhaii watch out.
Sanskar comes to senses and escapes car in mean time and stops car.

Sanskar is breathing heavily.

Laksh:-are u k bhai.

Sanskar:-i am ok chotu are u ok and realists, what he said and says i mean laksh are u ok.

Laksh:-smiles and says i am fine bhai and thank u for asking.

They both turn back to swara and ragini who were looking at them..
They both says they are fine.

Ragini with concern :- sanskar, let take rest for 5 minutes,tgen we can continue our journey..

Sanskar :- it's OK ragini.. Let's starts other wise it will be so late to reach their..

Ragini :- but are you fine na..

Sanskar nodes his head and starts driving..

Finally they reach to their farm house.
Swara and ragini likes it verymuch.

Sanskar takes ragini and swara taken by laksh .

They are showing their farm house to their wifes.

Laksh:-swara do u know bhai used to call me chotu in childhood and u heared na he called me today again as chotu, thats mean he still cares for me thank u swara thank u so much for making this plan.. I should thank ragini too.

Swara:-its ok laksh but atleast say now wat happen between u both, then it will be easy for us to solve in less time.

Laksh:-plz swara dont push me when i feel comfortable then i will say everything.

Swara:-ok lets go and takes his hand and roams are over house.

Sanskar shows every corner of house to ragini and saying his and Laksh spent moments with a smile.

Ragini in mind:-u still love laksh sanskar u cant denny that fact. see one day i will make everything fine between u both.

Sanskar sees her smiling by looking at him and asks.

Sanskar:-what happen why r u seeing me like this.

Ragini:-your smile is very cute like a small kid never loose it .

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