Part 47

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Ananya growing up and swara also started to move slowly.
Swara:-laksh wake up na shakes him.
Laksh:-ah ah wat happen why r u shouting.
Swara:-i want to eat gulab jamun.
Swara:-that to by hands of ragini.
Laksh:-i will buy it bring why r u waking up ragini bhabi now she may taking rest .
Laksh:-fine i will go i hope babhi wont get disturb.

In ragini room.
Ragini is laying baby in toddler and making her sleep.
Sanskar is watching her eargerly.
Sanskar:-did she sleep.
Ragini:-one more minute sanskar.
Wait na.

Sanskar:-thats wat problem is i am unable to control.
Ragini:-shhh sanskar u were behaving like kid.
Sanskar:-think wat ever u want but i am unable to and gets up from bed and comes forward baby and sees her sleeping and says yes she slept and lifts ragini and places on bed and he too lays towards her.
Ragini laughs.
Sanskar:-so funny instead of understanding me u were laughing and about to go.
Ragini stops him and drags him towards her and says Ragini:-i love u my dear husband and kisses him lightly on his lips.
Sanskar:-wat type of kiss is this, come i will show u real kiss and starts kissing her when he about to kiss her on shoulder a knock on door.
Sanskar and ragini both looks at each other and smiles ragini gets up and goes to open door and sanskar hits on head and sits on bed.
Ragini:-haa laksh everything ok.
Sanskar:-ha bhai say fastly i have to sleep.
Ragini turns and eyes him angrily.
Laksh:-bhabhi actually swara wants to eat gulab jamun which is made by your hands and rubs his eyes.
Ragini :-you go inside and take rest i will prepare it.
Laksh goes inside and rests on bed beside sanskar.
Ragini goes to kitchen and take Floor and started to mix it suddenly sanskar comes from back and hugs her .
Ragini:-wat r u doing here wat if any one watches us.
Sanskar:-so wat u and me ever husband and wife naa.
Ragini:-so u will open romance with me.
Sanskar:-haa i have rights on u ok.

I can do wat ever i want with u and kisses her neck.Ragini smiles and pushes him back and asks him to Help.
Sanskar:-ok madam as u say and bows infront of her and winks and smiles at her.
Ragini and sanskar makes a soft dough and makes small balls and heat oil .
Ragini prepares sugar syrup.
Ragini catches plate and stands side of sanskar who is catching one ball and stands far from oil pan and slowly threws one ball into it. Ragini smiles and says.
Ragini:-if u do this much fast then we will make it in morning.
Sanskar drags her towards him and holds her waist from back and says .
Sanskar:-then madam u hold my hand and prepare in few minutes everything will be ready wat say.
They both prepares gulab jamun by romancing.

Finally they goes to laksh and wakes him up but sanskar stops her and runs towards bed and say Now wake him up and sleeps immediately.
Ragini smiles and nodes head and wakes up laksh and hand overs gulab jamun bowl to laksh.
Laksh:-thank u so much and sorry for disturbing u.
Ragini:-its ok.
Sanskar:-slowly first u disturbed and now saying sorry idiot and lisens someone smiling and turns and sees ragini and he watches room empty and immediately pull Ragini towards him and laying her on bed and he starts kissing her by hugging when he about to take another step now baby wakes up and cries for milk.
Sanskar:-closes his eyes and says thats it to night i enjoyed a lot with u and moves from her.
Ragini smiles and kisses him on his forehead and sanskar smiles just like that.
Ragini observes that he is upset and thinks something and smiles.

Next morning ragini wakes up and makes baby ready and goes and gives baby to sujatha and asks her.
Ragini:-maa plz will u take care of her for few minutes i will fresh up and come plzz.
Sujatha:-ok and takes baby.
Ragini about to go laksh stops her.
laksh:- bhabhi i am sorry once again and thank u for gulab jamun.
Ap:-what u asked her to prepare gulab jamun but when.
Laksh:-may be 1 like that.
Ap:-u can wake me up naa ragini u too gave birth few months before and she too needs rest what is this laksh.
Ragini:-maa its ok i prepared for my sister only naa and looks towards her room repeatedlty.
Sujatha observes it and thinks for a while and understands.
Sujatha goes towards them and Says .
Sujatha:-dii leave it na dii if ragini freshen up she will be ok and takes her with her ..

Precap:-sujatha saying something to ragini and ragini smiles
Swara reached 9 month

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