Part 43

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Ragini smiling at his confused face. She  goes and brings phone and sits next to him and shows pictures.

Ragini:- see her saree and this picture shows that she is pregent.

And the way u hugged her shows that u just have concern towards her not that type of love.

Sanskar:-the way i hug means.

Ragini:-gets blushing and says u are hugging her from sideways and u hug the person whom u love is different.
Sanskar understands and says in teasing way.

Sanskar:-how will i hug say it by doing naa i am unable to understand and tries to hold her.

Ragini takes back her hand and smiles asks him to stand up.

Ragini goes towards him and hugs him tightly where sanskar also hugs her .baby which was playing turns towards them smiles cutely making giggling sounds..

Sanskar and ragini breaks their hug and sits with baby on both Sides.

Baby again holds sanskar finger and starts playing with him.

Sanskar:-thank u ragini for giving me a beautifull princess.

Ragini:-you welcome king.


Ragini:-haa if our daughter is princesses then her dad will be king right.

Sansker:-oh understood my queen.
They both smiles…

Next morning….
All sits at hall.
Ragini comes with baby laksh runs towards her and asks.

Laksh:-can i play with baby.

Ragini:-ofcourse and shows him how to lift baby carefully and gives to him.
Laksh sits and starts playing baby with a broad smile.
Sanskar also joins with him.

Ragini:-laksh keep some rubber sheets on u baby mayy…

Laksh keeps funny faces.

Ragini:-wat happen laksh…did baby…
Laksh sees his wet shirt.. and looks at family memberss.

All laughss laksh keep fake angry face.

Ap:-dont worry baby loves u a lot thats whyy.

Sanskar:-seriously badai maa.

Ap:elders used to say that baby will wet only those people whom they love a lot…

Laksh:-wow really mom then ok
Turns towards baby and says baby do ur wish as much as you want and unlimited times too  i dont mind okkk.

Baby smiles and all laughs.

Sanskar:-in that case baby wont love me.

Sujatha:-why like that sanskar.

Sanskar:-untill now she didnot do it on me.

All laughs.while sujatha hits her head and ragini nodes her head in disbelief..

Rp:-baby came into world only before few days naa their so many years so dont worry she will do it on u too and laughs ss with all..

Dp hits on his head and says stop teasing sanskarr like you were a kid u became dadu now..

Rp:-in that case u were more old because u were badai dadu and laughs.

Pradeep comes and says to sanskar.

Pradeep:-dont worry for that i had a solution.

Pradeep:- baby while doing will give some expression then by Seeing those expressions u immediately lift her and automaticaly u will become wet and starts laughing loudly seeing sanskar annoyed face..

All understands his joke and starts laughing.

Sanskar see towards him and says every funny see na priya..

Priya:-bhai this idea will work and lisen to pradeep because he too did this saying this she  laughs

Pradeep:-priya u were taking my respect in front of every one yarrr.

Sanskar:-personel expression and all haaa.i thought you were pulling my leg but I don't knew you were sharing your experience..

They both smiles by hugging each other.

After a while sanskar is wearing coat and ragini comes from behind and hugs him and says.

Ragini:-baby loves u and baby mother also loves u alot.

Sanskar:-turns and cups her face and says baby father also loves u all every much and show her tie.
Ragini does it again and sanskar
Waves bye to her.

Swara tooks baby from laksh and sends him too office. Who goes uninterestdly...

Ap and sujatha are playing with baby.

Ap:-baby is so calm and cute she just looks like sanskar.

Sujatha:-her eyes went to ragini dii

ap:-haa so pure eyes like a transperent mirror.

Sujatha:-she gave me all happiness in the world dii. I want baby to go on her only .who can Change anyone with her love and a cute smileee.

Precap:-baby name cermony

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