Part 34

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Early morning all are preparing for haldi function.

All appilies to uttara and karthik
And sameera and ajay.

Sanskar getting ready for office ragini comes from back and hugs him.

Sanskar too hugs her by holding her hands and kisses on her hands and turns.
She does his tie and gives his bag and all

Ragini:-when will arnav and khusi dii will come.

Sanskar:-on marriage day .

Ragini:-why so late.

Sanskar:-bhai has some meetings.

Ragini:-then ask jijju to send khusi dii.

Sanskar turns her and pulls towards him by holding waist and asks.

Sanskar:-if samething happens with u and will u go leaving without me.

Ragini smiles and says nooo.
They both hugs...

Ragini:-tomorrow is your bday wat gift u want from me.

Sanskar:-when u became mine completely wat ever u give it will be awesome.

Even if its a small or long kiss also.
They both smiles.

Sanskar kisses on her forehead and says to take rest and goes from their.

Ragini and swara are sitting and talking
Ragini feels sick and vomit wat ever she had.

Swara gets tensed and say from three days u ever not feeling well i will call mom and about to go.

Ragini stops her and says i have a doudt on my health first i want to conform later we can say to all.

Swara doudtely asks do u think u were ...

Ragini:-i think so as date also passed.

Swara:-lets go then and they both takes permission from elders and goes to hospital secretely.

Doctor checks ragini pulse and conforms her that she is present after few tests..

Swara and ragini gets happy and hugs each other.

Doctor asks her to take some tests and a scan.

All tests were done and everything is perfect.

They are having reports in their hands .
Ragini is smiling and has a special blow in her face.
Swara asks her when will u say this to sanskar.

Ragini:-first tomorrow is sanskar bday i want to surprise him but i will tell everything to all today.

And yaa u plz dont tell to laksh .


Ragini:-laksh will call him says everything so plzz.

Swara says ok

They both reach to mansion.

All ladies were sitting in hall and chitchatting.

Swara:-sits with ap and sujatha were ragini is standing infront of them.

Ap:-wat happen ragini why r u standing like that keeping your head down .

Ragini and swara both are keeping their heads down and tries to control their smile.
Swara:-sujatha maa u knew naa from three days ragini health is not good u knew why.


Swara:-because doctor said that she is not eating properly u knew wat she said .
Ragini said that these days she is feeling sick vomit sensation getting tired easily and doesnt want to eat food.

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