Part 29

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The episode starts next morning.
Ragini wakes up and kisses sanskar cheeck who was sleeping peacefully and goes to get ready.

she comes out and goes to pooja mandir where swara and remaing ladies also comes.

All gents gets ready and sits in hall reading news paper.

Ragini sees sanskar is not yet came and goes to room .

And see himgetting ready.

Ragini:- how much time will u take sanskar even girls will get readyFast than u and laughs.

Sanskar who is tieing tie drags her towards him and says u tie this,
mean while i will do my next works.

Ragini nodes and trys to tie and sanskar keep his hands around her waist and drags her towards him... He keep on disturbing her by tickling on her waist.

Ragini laughs and moves making her to disturb in toeing toe fof him.

Ragini:-sanskar keep your hand up or else i will go.

Sanskar keeps his hands up but now he started irriating her by blowing air on her face and neck...

Ragini smiles by closing her eyes, feeling his hot air on her... and finally she does tie and says finally. about to leave. Sanskar stops her and shows watch.

Ragini looks at him but he keeps puppy eyes to which she melts and  takes watch from him. She about to keep but sanskar stop and turns her like her back is hitting his front now.

Sanskar:-perfect position now do it. While ragini doing it he keeps his chin on rags shoulder.

Ragini can sense his breath and closes eyes for a second and composes immediatly and she Does watch and about to leave sanskar stops her and says.

Now a days u r not spending time with me thats not fair. Lets go dinner to night u and me.

Ragini:-so many are their how can we two only go.

Sanskar:- buy.. I want to spend time with u badly. Alone.. Only you and me..
Haaa l we ts go to Delhi for one day..

Ragini:- to spend some alone time. You want to go to Delhi..

Sanskar:-hmm you were right ok then lets all go together someother day.
They both leave to hall.

Karthik comes and enquires about sameera.

She came early morning beta she is sleeping any problem.

Karthik:-no i just see her and come
He  goes from their.

Karthik entre and sees her slepping like kid holding pillow and cares her hair and covers her with blanket and turns and sees sanskar and laksh staring at him.

Karthik:-what happen.

They both sees him by roaming around him and says lets find out that only  and goes.

Karthik:-what happen to them.

Dp:- u knew suresh rathod is a very good person and he has so many principles and his son is also very good do u remember i showed a photo and asked ur decision about him towards uttara.

Ap:-they asked time naa.

Dp:-hmm and u knew by seeing karthik and sameera i think they both love each other.

Ap:-all has that feeling expect for Them .
They both smiles.

At evening sameera introduces all family member to her dad and brother .

When they both see dp and uttara they understands.

Sameera says i am very happy seeing this big family dad.
But uttara was unaware about this alliance. So she was normal

Suresh:-after so many days i am Seeing my child very happy and laughing from heart thanks for that.

Ap:-she is my daughter no formalities.

They all talks to each other.

Sanskar sees karthik looking at sameera and signs laksh.

They both goes towards him and says do u love her.

Karthik:-haaa and realises what he said and immediately says i mean ha wat r u saying she is my frd.

Sanskar and laksh says think again before u answer we can see that in your eyes.

Karthik looks here and their and says yes.

Sanskar and laksh shout yiepee and stands and hugs eachother forgetting about remaining people soon they saw all are looking at them and sits saying sorry.

So when u r gng to say.

Karthik:-i dont knew wat she feels about me.

Sanskar:-do u tried to knew.


They both hits his head and says something.

While having lunch..

Laksh signs to sanskar while he assures him.

Sanskar:- Haa. Why don't we all go out for dinner today. It will be a change to all and it's been so much time that we a did not spend some quality time with together.

Dp:- OK, then let's go to restaurant today for dinner and family means Kary hi you and Sameera are also coming..

Precap:- a plan against karthik and sameera.
Sanskar and ragini funny moments

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