Part 64

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Next morning ..
Kids gets ready …
Ananya getting ready by ragini akash is roaming here and their with out wearing shirt.
Rags:-ananya plzz wait here i will come and do your hair ok..
Ananya:-ok maa..
Rags catches akaksh and makes him wear uniform meanwhile sanskar comes and see ananya and says.
Sanskar:-u were getting late beta
Untill now u didnot get ready.
Rags:-i will make her ready first let me handle this shaitaan.
Sanskar:-today daddy will set her hair and takes comb and start doing hair but unable to tie.
Sanakar:-her hair is coming out from hands before i keep band to it….
Rags:-try again.
Sanskar tries in allways…but tired..
Ananya:-papa my head is paining.
Sanskar:-sry beta and leaves her and lifts her and says mumma will do it ok.
Rags comes and sanskar makes her sit and about to go.
Ananya:-papa when maa dng my hair u see and learn so that u can do next time..
Sanskar smiles and sits and rags completes her hair.
Ananya and sanskar smiles and claps ragini too smiles..
Ananya and akash waves bye to Ragini and kisses on her both cheecks and runs to hall..sansky drags rags and kisses her on forehead and he too goes..

In hall ..
Prudhvi and manvi also comes with laksh kids all waves bye to parents and leaves to school..
Rags arranging messed up room and does it clean and goes out and prepares lunch …
At night while all preparing dinner
They lisen a glass breaking sound and goes towards hall and see hall in a bad state tv broken and vase also.
Ap:-wat all this.
Rags:-sees ananya hiding behind sanskar..
Ananya come out.
Laksh:-ananya tho room mai.
and signals to kids all kids runs to room.
Rags:-laksh thats not fare wat if they got hurt.
Sanskar:-we r there naa nothing will happen.
Swara:-jijju once see your hand .
Sanskar see his hand got small cut and see ragini getting worried.
Sanskar:-its a small cut thats it and signals rags that he is fine.
Rags goes towards room.
Dp and rp stops her and says where she going..
Rags:-once i will check kids wheather they are ok or not.
Dp:-no need u to go aa haa
Laksh aur sanskar checks them and signals them to go.
Ap:-jii u two were pampering kids alot and spoiling them.
Dp:-wat we did.
Sujatha:-achaa nothing and brings cloth and gives to rp and asks him to clean
Swara goes and brings laksh and sanskar..they all were cleaning glass pieces and ladies seeing them and laughs.
Rags goes to kids and helps them in dng homework.
Slowly sanskar laksh swara also joins all helps kids to do homework .
Laksh:-bhai have to accept u how do u teach them maths.
Sanskar:-i love maths rai and i love one particular mutliplication
Laksh:-2 x 2 = 4 i just love it and looks at ragini.
Ragini first doesnt understand but later understands and widen eyes to sanskar..

Precap:-prudhvi and akash first fight against few people.
Mens supporting them and ladies scolding mens and kids

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