Chapter 19- Jealousy

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"Can we run a little faster please?" I beg Bob. I had informed him not to long ago that through the link I felt my mate being sad and scared.

We're running back to the house but he's not going fast enough.

"I'm so out of shape." He stops as he puts his hands on his knees to get a few breaths. "Run down the hill, you'll come to two paths, take your left one. Just go down that way until you see a house."

I do as I was instructed and run to the house. I start sniffing the air to catch Aspyns scent. Once i approached the house Aspyns scent was coming from the back of the house. I ran straight to the back to see Rosa holding a shaking Aspyn.

I heard low sobs come from Aspyn. I growled at Rosa for making my mate sad. She just looked at me and understood as she lets go of Aspyn and steps back a little. I come up behind Aspyn to put my hand on her back. She turns towards me, tears slowing coming down her face.

I put both of my hands on the side of her face and use my thumbs to wipe the tears away.

"Hey, my beautiful mate, why are you crying?" Just as that was said Jace walks into the back yard with Nikki by his side. He comes to Aspyns side questioning her current state.

Aspyn turns her body over to Jace and huggs him crying into his shirt. This made Nikki growl with anger and jealousy.

"I'm sorry Jace. It's my fault you hit Nikki with the car."

"What do you mean?" Jace and I say at the same time.

Aspyn didn't have time to respond because Nikki had pushed her way in between Jace and Aspyn embrace and shoved Aspyn down to the ground.

We all turned to Nikki's pitch black eyes and canines. She was pissed. But I didn't understand why?

"Nikki!" Jace says as he and I go to Aspyn's side to raise her up. "What the hell was that for?"

Nikki just stared at Jace's hand which was holding onto Aspyn. And she didn't like it for one bit as she charged at Aspyn. Jace stepped in front of Aspyn and I pulled Aspyn behind me. Jace and I both growled at Nikki.

"Why are you protecting her? She had her body all over you?And you let her be all over you." Nikki's hand swiped across Jace face making a loud sound. She comes over to me. "And you let her." Her hand swiped across my face as well.

A growl erupted from behind me. I look back to see Aspyn coming out from behind me. Her eyes hazel eyes gone and were now blacker than Nikki's. Nikki let's growls of her own out.

"Oh no." Rosa says as she steps back. "Nikki's challenging Aspyn. Luna to Luna." Rosa eyes switch from mines to Jace. Nikki shifts into her wolf and circles Aspyns. "Aspyn you can't shift. It's unsafe." Aspyn turns to look at Rosa. Rosa turns to look at Jace and I again. "If she shifts we're not strong enough to stop her."

Just as that was said Nikki charges Aspyn and pushed Aspyn far back into a tree. Bob walks in at this moment eyes widening as he witness the match.

"If she shifts we'll have to call the shooters to sedate her. She's to strong."

I turn to Jace. "If she hurts my mate I'll hurt you." I turn back to the match and watch Aspyn. It's hard to stand and watch when I desperately feel the need to protect her. But I know this is not my match.

"Trust me." Jace says as he turns to the house."I'm not worried about this match." He walks into the directing of the house, away from our mates fighting.

Rosa and Bob stare at Jace in shock as he walks away.

"Jace, that's your mate! ASPYN COULD REALLY HURT HER!" Rosa yells.

"THEN SHE'LL HAVE TO BEG ASPYN TO HEAL HER!" He screams back closing the door as he enters the house.

I turn back to the fight and just laugh at what Jace said. Nikki is tired and out of breath. Some blood coming off of her, but Aspyn seems fine, if anything I think I can see a smile on her face, as if she's enjoying it. Aspyns still in her human form as Nikki fights in her wolf form.

I feel a light shaking hand come on my shoulder. I turn to see Rosa's pleading eyes. "Please, Grayson, stop this." She begs.

Bob is gone. It's only Rosa and I out here right now. I nod my head at her and run to the scene.

Nikki sees me running towards them and ignoring Aspyns growls Nikki charges me. Nikki jumps in the air and just before landing on me she shifts back to her human form, landing on me with her naked body.

What she does next I didn't expect her to do, she kissed me. Right in front of Aspyn. I didn't kiss back instead I throw Nikki off me and spit to the dirt next to me.

Aspyn graved Nikki by the neck and started raising her up, choking her at the same time. She raises Nikki so high up her feet don't reach the ground.

"Don't ever kiss my mate again." Aspyn growls. Nikki shakes her head quickly. Aspyn drops Nikki to ground and kicks Nikki in the back of her head knocking her out.

"GRAYSON!" I heard Rosa yell. It was at that moment that I saw one of the pack shooters aiming at Aspyn from the woods. I jumped in front of Aspyn blocking her from the shot. The dart hit me on my right shoulder blade.

My eyes widen from the pain as I fell in Aspyns arms. Her once black eyes changed back to there hazel color as she catches me.


I go down to the ground with Grayson body. His eyes close. I look at the shooter who is aiming at me again. Only this time I'm ready and I catch the dart before it hit me. I felt something shake in my arms. I threw the dart behind me only to realize the shaking is coming from Grayson unconscious body.

"GRAYSON, GRAYSON!" I notice some stuff coming out of his mouth so I quickly turn his body to his side. I turn to look at Rosa who is running to me. "MOM! MOMMMMY! HELP PLEASE!" I look up at the shooter to see he has just released another dart. I turn my body, the dart passes by me missing.

Rosa is at my side. "What's happening?"

"He's sick. He suffers from a medical condition that doctors don't know much about."

"The dart hit him?" I nod my head. "BOB CALL THE PACK DOCTOR. GRAYSON WAS HIT!"

Just then Grayson stopped shaking, and breathing.

"No, no, no, no, no, Grayson, stop playing this isn't a joke." I turn to Rosa.

A moment of realization came across her face. "You can heal him. Go ahead." She says quickly.

My eyes widen, how could I forget? I turned Grayson on his back and went down to kiss Grayson's head but I felt a sharp pain on my neck. I touched to feel the dart. I pulled it out and reached for the dart I threw behind me and throw it at the shooter, hitting him in his manhood spot. He falls over unconscious.

I feel my eyes get heavier, but I try to ignore it as I bring my head towards Grayson.

"Hey, Gray, I need you to start breathing again." I kissed his head and after that I fell right on top of his chest.

I didn't feel his chest moving, it was still. I heard Rosa yelling at a familiar name telling them to hurry.

I heard all the sounds around me.

Except one sound I didn't hear.

I didn't hear Grayson's heart beating.

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