01//The Beginning

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Note you're only around 6 or 7 when this takes place ( around when quirks develop)
Also this is my first fanfic so I hope you enjoy!!
P.S There will be some swearing
H/C= Hair color  Y/n= Your Name  L/n= Last name  H/l= Hair Length E/c= Eye Color

Your POV
She dragged me along, it was a part of the town I had never seen before. Back alleys that were dark and frightening. I felt the tension in the air something wasn't right. The look she gave me when she took me out chilled my bones as remembered it. It looked cold and almost life less. I spoke not a word fearing to upset her. "M-mom?, where are we going?" I spoke my voice wavering with fear. No reply as to be suspected.
Suddenly we stopped. My feet halted, sore from excessive walking. She pushed me hard against the cold stone wall. Knocking the wind out of my lungs. My palms hitting the rough pavement ground. I stood up again unsure of what to do. "Shut up you little worthless brat, I didn't give birth to you for you to be a quirkless piece of shit." I felt my mouth open agape from pure bewilderment.
"But what about dad, where is he." I asked fear was evident in my voice as it echoed in the dark alleyway.
"Your father suggested that we shouldn't ditch you, but I said screw it and suggested we kill you be lucky he saved you and compromised, you ungrateful little shit" she stated coldly
I backed up slightly and she began to walk away I still couldn't comprehend what just happened. I stood there still not bothering to stop her. Until  it  sank in and I crumpled to my knees, scraping them in the process. I backed up against the wall. I started to sob, hot tears streaming down my face, my chest violently shaking as I couldn't hold it back anymore. My throat started making all sort of distorted noises from sobbing and screaming so much. I sat there crying for so long that the exhaustion from walking so far and crying so much that I feel asleep.

A few years later...
It's been quite a while that I've been on the streets I haven't seen my mother since that day and frankly I don't want to. I've had to pick pocket since then. At first it was hard I would often get caught and sometimes beat up but I've become skillful at it. Today's target was man in a business suit his back pocket had a slight bulge in the back signifying either a lot of cash or something valuable. I zipped up my black hoodie and threw the hood over my head my (H/l) (H/c) sticking out slightly. I watched the mans every movement. He stood on the side of the street seemingly looking at his watch. By his facial expression and body language I could tell he was waiting for someone. There was sweat that was slightly forming on his forehead and not to mention his nice clothing. I assumed he must've been just about to go on a first date. Meaning he's going to pay therefore he will definitely have a lot of cash on him. I smirked knowing I found the perfect target for today. Noticing that in a few minutes it would be rush hour, without a second's hesitation I began to uncoil my usual act. I walked slowly letting people crowd in. On "accident" I bumped into the man swiftly grabbing his wallet and pushing it up my sleeve. "Oh I'm sorry sir" I said with an apologetic look on my face
"Oh don't worry about" he said with a warm smile, I felt a slight pang of guilt but it soon vanished, I nodded my head and continued on my way.
I walked for a little while making sure he wasn't behind me or watching me. I backed up into an alleyway, letting the wallet fall into my hand to see how much the man had. "64,407 YEN!( around 600 US Dollars) how expensive was that dinner gonna be?" I muttered to myself. "At least this will keep me fed for a few months." I walked around the bustling street, finding the nearest grocery store. I walked in and took my hood down, and began looking for just a sandwich and something to drink. Picking just a simple sandwich that was cheap and a bottle of water I started to head to the counter. But just as I was almost there a man with a mutant quirk and a few others (presumably gang members) walked in and began to raid the place and ordered the cashier to stuff their bag with money. Just my luck.
Just as I was hoping I could sneak away without being noticed they put their eyes on me. "Hey kid you over there." the leader said his voice bellowing throughout the store
"Y-yeah" I said  slightly uneasy
"Empty your damn pockets give us everything you have" the man spoke glaring and waiting for me to do so. I looked at the cashier, noticing their fatal flaw. While they all had their eyes on me they forgot to pay attention to the cashier. I tilted my head slightly to side staring at the cashier signaling her to press the alarm button, that was located beneath the counter of almost all grocery stores. She noticed and pressed it immediately notifying the local pro heroes that there was a robbery. As the Alarm went off it had a terrible noise affecting some of the mutant villains as they must've had enhanced hearing.
The gang leader must've picked up on what I had done because he began charging at me.  Just narrowly missing me, but making me fall over in the process. As I laid on the stores cold tile floor the leader came over me his shadow looming over my fallen fragile figure. "I'm gonna snap your neck little girl" his voice with intimidating and cold. I could only see the shadows on his face and it was difficult to see what facial expression he had but I could just barely make out the cold and blank stare he gave. Just as he was leaning down to grab me by the neck, there was a loud crash and a bellowing deep laugh was heard. "Shit..." the villain muttered  slowly turning his head backwards. A giant hero stood there, I didn't recognize him at first until he said his famous line "It is fine now! Why? Because I am here!" His big grin was evident "All Might" I said in a barely audible whisper.
Just the No. 1 hero's presence startled the villains and they began to run outside the leader being the last as he realized his gang was abandoning him, just to find the waiting police cars. All Might walked over straight to me first noticing that the cashier had calmed down but I was still evidently shaken. "Young lady are you alright?" he said outstretching a hand. I was hesitant to grab it at first but decided to anyways.
"I'm alright, just a little shaken" I said breathing a sigh of relief.
"Where are your parents young one?" he said calmly. I stiffened at his question not sure if I should lie or not. I figured that it would be best if I didn't lie to the pro hero hoping maybe he'd know what to do.
"I don't have parents" I said my voice laced with uncertainty. His face showed evident surprise but he soon composed himself and with a calm voice said " I know exactly what to do then"
"And that is?" I asked him utterly confused my eye brow furrowing, I knew he would figure out what to do but I didn't think he'd know that quickly
"Foster care"

Hope you guys enjoyed let me know if there is anything I could improve on I'm open for feedback. Also I apologize if there are any grammatical issues that I missed but I wanted to inform everyone that I know exactly how I want the story to continue so fear not! I have a plan!

Word Count: 1389 Words

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