04// Hello Hero World

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The day had finally come where my entrance exams results would my delivered in the mail. I was practically bursting at the seams. It tried a bunch of de-stress methods such as drinking tea or doing yoga but I couldn't do anything that would get me calmed down. So I settled on watching tv and scrolling through instabam. All the cool pictures of new heroes debuting made me even more nervous. If I didn't pass the entrance exam where would I go to graduate. My entire plan rested on getting into this school.

I decided I might as well be clean for the rest of the day so I took a hot shower can put on some regular clothes. I continued to wait for what seemed like forever just staring at the ceiling. Getting up I decided to take a walk to calm my nerves. When I stepped out the door the air hit me with its ice cold fury. The breath getting sucked out of my lungs.

It was fall so the air was crisp and gentle breezes would pass through now and again. I checked my phone looking for a nearby park. Walking a few miles my phone buzzed alerting me that id reached my destination. The park was pleasant, mostly quiet. It gave me time to delve into some new music and get my bearings. I was enjoying the crisp air when something warm brushed up against my leg. Looking down I saw a frail-looking cat. It had soft brownish black fur with a necklace of blonde around its neck. "What interesting markings"

"You're very cute. Would you like to sit on my lap" I cooed tenderly. Its eyes were remarkably intelligent look these wonderful icy blue with a soft gold outlining the pupil. I scooped it up surprised by how light it was. "Jeez, you need some food". it curled up resting its head on my stomach, staring at me. I stared back at it calculating how much it would cost to take care of this little beauty. "Screw it" I sighed "I'll make it work even if I have to work extra shifts."

Unzipping my jacket I slipped her in to make sure she wouldn't be cold on the way back to the apartment. On the way back I reassured her she would love where I lived and how she'd have the best life. "Now let's come up with a name for you." She meowed softly. "Your eyes are very pretty the remind me of the night skies during summer. And your necklace reminds me of the sunshine so how about something relating to summer." she purred quietly. Almost so quiet you couldn't hear it but I felt the vibrations on my chest. "Ooh, i got it! How about Shizuka. Quiet Summer" she purred again but this time louder as if to prove a point.

"Hey look we are here," I said walking up the stairs to my apartment. "Oh, would you look at that my entrance exam results finally came." Unlocking the door i set her down to roam around and get situated. Grabbing a small bowl I set it on the ground for her to drink since she must've been thirsty. There was a small hologram device and pressing it a large All might pop up into view. "Congratulations Young (l/n) You've Made it into U.A.! I look forward to being your teacher as you tied for the 1st place with Young Bakugo with a total of 77 points. 55 points being Villain points and 22 rescue points. Have a good rest of your day! School information will be delivered later today! And remember PLUS ULTRA" The video cut out leaving me beyond ecstatic. My hero career would be starting shortly. Focusing back on Suzuki I grabbed a small backpack slipping her and my wallet inside but leaving a hole for her to be able to breathe.

On the walk to the pet shop. I passed a familiar head on blonde hair. "Katsuki!" I called out waving. He looked over "Big Eyes, What're you doing here?"

"What's with the nickname?" I asked

"You have these big curious eyes, thought it fit" he shrugged "why you gotta problem with it?"

"Nah I think its funny"I shrugged "Anyways I found this cute little cat out in the park, so why are you headed to the pet shop?"

"Oh i found this dumb dog on the streets, it wouldn't stop fucking following me so i decided to just keep it. The old hag likes it so she told me to go get it stuff" he grumbled, "Did your parents flip yet?"

"Nah they don't care." I said looking down "There rarely home anyways"

"Did you get your U.A. results yet?" he said smirking "Bet a small fry like you wouldn't be able to get"

"Thanks but for your information being one inch shorter than you doesn't make me much smaller than you," I said nonchalantly

"Fuck off bitch there's no way you just one inch shorter than me you gotta be at least two."

"Anyways," I said, "Do you got a name for your dog?". The puppy had golden fur and to little black tipped ear with red irises and a gold rimming the pupils. Funny it kinda looks like him.

"I was thinking Min cause this little guy was clever enough to pick the next number one hero"

"Okay then Mr. Ego, we should head over to the pet shop before they close it on us. We continued small talk usually ending with him yelling, but i didn't mind any company was good company. I actually enjoyed his company he was such a character id never seen someone so strange. Once we got in the pet store we both grabbed everything we needed and to my surprise, Katsuki even waited for me. Even though he complained 90% of the time.

We walked back together in a comfortable silence. Once we reached our houses i waved goodbye and goodnight and merely responded with a grunt. When I got in the house I grabbed the mail which consisted of 6 boxes and 1 letter all of which i assumed was from U.A.

I moved it all into my room and then set up my Suzuki's litter box, food dishes, scratching pole/ gymnasium and bed. I scooped up Suzuki and to her dismay gave her a well-needed bath. "I'll have to cut back on food this week also with the electricity, maybe even work extra shifts. It was okay though since school is starting this in a few days." I said mumbling to myself

I took a warm shower to wash away the stress and tension of the day, slipped into pajamas, and put extra food in Suzuki's bowl since she needed to gain some serious bed. Slipping under the covers and turning off the light, I feel into a well-needed slumber

~Time Skip A Few Days Later~

I woke to the sound of a blaring music on my alarm clock, hopping in the shower and quickly getting my U.A. uniform on I began to blow drying my hair till it was mostly dry. Grabbing a piece of toast I slipped on my shoes. Grabbing a scoop of cat food I put it in Suzuki's bowl and filled her other bowl with water. Brushing my teeth I began to brush and style my hair. On my way out the door, I said goodbye to Suzuki and slipped my bag onto my back.

Walking down the stairs I saw Katsuki walking in the distance. "Hey, Katsuki! Wait Up!"

He turned around and stopped for me yelling at me and how we were gonna be late. I apologized and we were in a comfortable silence once again. It took us maybe ten minutes total to walk there an when we got to the school gates I stopped staring at this new place where my future would bloom. I was on my way to the world of heroes...

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