06// Combat Training

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The Second day of my experience at U.A was quite normal. Classes that is. People were really nice to me for a change. I was no longer forgotten about. That might be partially my attitude change as I strived to be more open an friendly but most of it was people being extremely kind. It was the first time I had laughed and felt happy since I was four.
Katsuki was same old same old. Constantly calling me round eyes and cursing at every little thing.

It's currently hero academic period. I looked out the window enjoying the view. The sun was high in the sky. clouds spread out beautifully and sunlight filtering through the trees on to the grass.

The door burst open revealing all night in his old era super suit. A lot of the other students were in surprise and gawking at him. Not only out his entrance but at the fact he was even there. He began to explain we are going to do for the day and then he pressed a button revealing the hidden compartments from the day before. I got up reaching for my hero costume.

 He begins to explain we're going to do for the day and then he pressed a button reviewing the hidden compartments from the day before. I got up and grabbed my costume from my assigned compartment.

Me and the rest of the girls rushed to the locker rooms, to change into our costumes. My costume consisted of fireproof boots that allowed my quirk to seep through the soles so I could use flaming kicks. Shorts that ended a little above mid-thigh with blue flames rising from the bottom. A tight blue body suit was worn underneath which made me uncomfortable as I wasn't one to show off my body. It was sleeveless which allowed my arm braces/muscles compressors to be worn. Goggles Curved perfectly framed my face with the addition of the blue flames horns/ears. My favorite part of the goggles was that it had writing for the mission status/ goal, as well I a mic receiver. Gauntlets modeled my arms right below my biceps. My left arm had an important status report on the inside of my arm. An important detail I had requested. The outside of the gauntlets has blue flames. The gauntlets connected to black gloves specially made for fireproof use an protection against impact. All small addition the added without my knowledge was two blades located in the top of my boots. They were connected to a strap on each of my legs.

The process of putting the get up on took a lot longer than anticipated. Because of all the components, I had to rush out of the room just to make sure I didn't miss the lesson all might was teaching. I ran out of the room I noticed everyone else wearing their costumes I felt somewhat embarrassed because of mine due to the tightness of it. I admired a bunch of other people's costumes an felt as if I had gotten a better understanding of everyone's personality. I stood next to Bakugo, Uraraka a girl named Mina and a boy I believed was named Kirishima. Mina an Kirishima each adorned this quirkiness to there appearance and personality. Minas being her light raspberry colored skin and Kirishima's being his spiked hair with a crimson color.

All might began explaining to us at with the lesson would be about. We will be simulating villains having a weapon and heroes trying to deactivate the weapon. Are options of success were to either capture each of the villains or to deactivate the weapon. the villains will be able to win by successfully keeping the weapon active or by capturing the heroes. We began by selecting teams for the lesson. With my unfortunate luck I was the oddball out the only one without a team member. All might decided to make the situation more realistic by replicating a hostage. Adding one more goal to the heroes to do list. I would have to stay with the villains for most of the round unless the heroes could rescued me. And by recuse it would be a high five since all might didn't think this would happen so he didn't have a flag or anything i could use. I could choose to leave the building to replicate a hostage evacuation or choose to fight with the heroes. If the hero's successfully released me they would be given extra credit on the assignment. If the villains successfully kept me hostage for the round they would get the extra credit points.

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