09// Jinxed

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After changing in the locker rooms (y/n) headed out, watching as ida instructed everyone to get into orderly fashioned lines. He's sure taking on the role of class president. However to his dismay the busses weren't charter and were more like classic transportation buses instead.

As (y/n) and the others boarded the bus, she was seated in between non other than the ticking bomb and his arch-nemesis icy-hot. During the bus ride talks of quirks were often brought up as well as games that were played to take minds off of the time.

(Y/n) looked out the window, observing the Forest they were traveling through, pushing all of her thoughts to the back of her mind as she continued to look out the window peacefully. Breathing slowing down. Little did she know two pairs of eyes were watching her with curiosity.

When they reached the USJ the students looked around in awe. The building was massive like most things at UA. When they entered the building they were even more impressed at their were different sectors replicating real hero situations so they would be able to train under different conditions. To say they were excited would be an understatement, this would be a lot of experience for all of them.

Pro rescue hero thirteen was waiting to greet them inside. (Y/n) was shifting the weight on the balls of her feet, giddy with excitement, happy to see one of her favorite rescue hero's was here. Her and deku immediately noticed their presence and went over to say hi, while everyone else continued looking at their surroundings. Ida called back everyone to line up as Aizawa was needing to get the field trip started.

"The rules for this field trip are simple and you best believe you're going to follow-"

A black mist began forming in the middle of the usj and students began pointing it out, asking each other if this was part of the field trip but soon got their answers as the looks on the pro hero's revealed everything. Villains began pouring out of the mist like portal.

"Those are villains 13, I'm going to stop them or at least delay them, watch and protect the students at all costs" Aizawa said as he flipped his mask down begging his descent to the middle of the usj.

"Of course eraserhead!" Thirteen said,

But Deku commented to the classes dismay  "How's he going to take all of them down, his quirk and fighting style aren't meant for brawls like this!" He said out of concern. The class eyed each other in nervous anticipation (except for some cough* cough* top three*)

"There's a reason why he's a pro hero, we all have our own little tricks, have faith in him, in the mean time is their anyway we can contact the school. The alarms haven't gone off, and our biggest priority is getting you all out of here safely" thirteen said scanning over the faces of the students. Denkis hand rose up
"I can contact the school through my electricity radio!" He said. Nervousness was evident through his tone of voice as it wobbled slightly but the expression on his face said differently. His eyes were filled with determination as well as an evident smirk. The streak of black is his blonde hair whipped around as he turned his head seemingly to get a better angle to contact the school. Denkis face distorted into confusion as he turned back to face his classmates. "My radio signal seems to be blocked by something, stopping me from contacting the school"

"There must be someone here with a quirk allowing radio signals and other devices to be cut off, which explains why Denki can't reach the school and why the alarms on the USJ haven't gone off" said izuku putting his hand on his chin in the process of thought.

"Someone will have to go manually in able to go to contact the authorities and pro hero's" thirteen said scanning the mod of teenagers. "Class president, your quirk is meant for speed do you think you can make it back to UA to inform the school of the current situation at hand?"

"Of course pro hero thirteen!" Ida said turning his body and getting into what seemed a running position.

"I'm sorry but that will simply not do" A voice said seemingly out of nowhere. The students gaped in awe as the purple mist which allowed the villains to come to the usj in the first place "I'm sorry it was quite rude of us to not introduce ourselves. We are the league of villains and our goal today was to come and kill the number one hero all might. We were informed that he would be here but here but I can't quite seem to find him. Why is that?"

Whispering among the student as their heartbeats and breathing began to increase. Before thirteen could take action, Katsuki and Kirishima had jumped straight into the mist seemingly to capture the strange villain before them. But this only caused the villains mist to spread weaving in between everyone. Enveloping then in black foggy mist until the jist of them had been scattered around the USJ and were now falling through the air with the risk of making a harsh landing and if to make matters worse villains were waiting for their arrival on the ground of USJ's different sectors.

I jinxed it I freaking jinxed it. I said I hoped it would be a normal field trip and I jinxed darn it (y/n) why are you sooooo duuummmbbbbb. (Y/n) thought hitting her head repeatedly as she fell from the sky not quite sure where she was gonna land.

Fate and karma really have it out for me. She said deadpanning

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