08//For Others

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When (y/n) and Katsuki walked in that day and got seated at their desks, they had plenty of time before the school's bell. (y/n) decided it would best to just listen to music and read a book while katsuki kicked up his feet on the back of her chair, which in doing such bumped her slightly into her desk. She turned around to scold him only to almost come in contact with his combat boots. A light scowl adorned her face as she lightly pushed his boots off of her chair and turned to him. He simply scoffed and moved his feet to his desk then continued to look out the window. (y/n) refused to not have an apology for dirtying the back of her chair so she continued to stare daggers at him. When his eyes finally flicked back to hers he glared at her. "What do you want round eyes?" 

"An apology for dirtying my chair" Her voice was firm and commanding

"Apology my ass, turn around round eyes, my feet aren't even on your chair," he said in a rough gravely voice. 

"I will no-" Before she could continue Aizawa had already walked into the room announcing for the student's attention. (y/n) reluctantly spun herself around to face the front of the classroom not wanting to get scolded at the moment. 

"Today will be doing an important class task" Aizawa spoke in his normal monotone voice that seemed as if he could drone on for hours and his tone of voice would stay the same not even wavering when he would sneeze. His sleep-deprived eyes scanned the classroom as the students tensed, unsure what the "task" might be. "You'll be picking a class president, be careful who you choose as they'll be representing us as a whole" As if in unison the entire class sighed out in relief. A few students shot up out of their seats raising their hands volunteering. ida stood up making robotic movements toward Aizawa "Shouldn't we do a proper voting system, sir?"

"Do whatever you want just decided on a Class President and Vice President before the end of the period" Aizawa said as he slowly morphed into his sleeping bag. (Otherwise known as his final form caterpillar) 

(y/n) sat back in her chair watching all the commotion play out. uraraka looked over in her direction a puzzled look on her face. "Are you not trying to be class president (y/n)?"

(y/n) looked around (e/c) irises sweeping across the room. A sweet smile adorned her features and she stated with all the serenity in the world "If I get chosen I get chosen, there's no point in trying to have everyone vote for me if it isn't genuine, I'm not greedy nor selfish I shouldn't have to portray myself as desperate to get everyone's attention" the honesty that seeped out of her calm mannerisms made uraraka surprised and gave her a will to somehow to push herself to those same morals. 

"Ah I understand, that makes sense" The pixie bobbed girl turned to face the front and watch the other students bicker.  

A certain blonde had heard the conversation occur only to turn his head to face the window once more. 

When the marks had been tallied (y/n) had 6 votes. The look of surprise was so evident you could say she had turned into an internet sensation and she would still be more surprised over the six votes. She could hear a grumbling katsuki behind her as he said: "WhO ThE FuCk VoTEd FoR ThIs LiTtLe ShIT?!" she chuckled seeming him irritated and he whipped his head around "THE FUCK YOU LAUGHING AT ROUND EYES?!"

"Nothing, nothing get your boxers out of your ass" (y/n) said still barely being able to hold in her amusement.  "I would like to say though as I'm honored to have been able to receive this position I feel as if I'm not worthy of it, I think someone like ida who was clever enough to have addressed that we needed a voting system should take my place as class president instead." Ida stepped up on stage beaming with pride as someone had finally recognized his ideas.  Behind Momo looked slightly gloomy so (y/n) turned around and mouthed to her "sorry! ill make it up to you! How does ice cream sound after school?" Momo instantly brightened up as a small appeared on her face.


~Small Time Skip~

(y/n) was looking out the window of her homeroom class. It was already late fall but sunshine adorned everything insight. Caressing it in a warm homey glow. Most days would be chilly accompanied by wind as leaves would scatter off bare trees, but today was a rare occasion and it seemed to have brought up everyone's moods. 

She continued looking out the window her thoughts drowning out the lesson present mic was currently teaching about grammar. Her foot tapped quietly underneath her desk, seeming to keep pace with her racing thoughts. She already knew the lesson he was teaching so there was no point in pay attention, but there was an occasional gap in her knowledge and for such, she would write down a small reminder in her notebook. 

When the bell finally rang out she snapped back from her daze. As it was finally lunch, she would just have to make it through math before she could make it to her hero course. As she made her way to lunch she was thinking about who she would sit next to today. She always had the same issues. Would she sit with the girls, Katsuki's group, or Midoriya's group? Or would she sit alone? It was different every day but at least she could count on everyone to be there when she decided where she would sit that day. As she grabbed her handmade bento she decided she would sit with Katsuki and the gang that day. After all, he was in a somewhat better mood if that's what you'd call it.  "Hi everyone" (y/n) called out as she sat down in between Katsuki and Kirishima. 

" (y/n) what's up!" Kirishima called as he greeted her. "Mina was just talking about you and how you guys had an awesome sleepover over the weekend!" His usual toothy grin made an appearance and you couldn't help but think it was cute. "Kiri, your smile is awfully adorable!" His cheeks flushed, he muttered a small thanks, as you turned back to your bento. Mina immediately whipped out her chopsticks and dug in from across the table. (y/n) merely sighed used to the food thief, "Yah pink skin leave her damn food alone" an annoyed katsuki huffed next to her.

"Katsuki its okay I'd rather have her be full then me. Other people are my utmost priority," she said smiling at the taller male

"It's not okay, for one she's making a fuckin mess on the table and two your damn sighs are distracting me from enjoying my own damn meal," He said eyeing her from his peripherals "So pink face piss off, get your own damn food" The pink skinned girl merely pouted and looked away before saying 

"But (y/n) makes the best food in the entire school, even the chefs can compare"Mina's cheeks were puffed out and her hand were crossed in front of her

"Its okay mina, I can buy you something today if you'd like" (y/n) said looking at the very childlike girl. "And if you'd like I can start making your lunch from now on, I'll just make two bentos in the morning from now on, that is of course if you'd like one." 

" Goddess (y/n) your so sweet! I'm jealous of the man that gets to marry you!"

"Mina seriously it's no problem! I'm happy to make it for you since no ones ever said they've enjoyed my cooking before that is except for my-" She cut herself short as she muttered something underneath her breath. Shit, I missed going to see him this weekend. "Anyways, Mina what you like me to buy you?" (y/n) stood up and walked with Mina to the food kiosk. Katsuki merely watches replaying her words in his head "its okay I'd rather have her be full then me. Other people are my utmost priority,"

 She confuses him, how can someone not care about themselves? how can someone just easily give up what they have for someone else's benefit?


~Time Skip~

 As (y/n) an Katsuki walks back to 1-A they can't help but let, their normal silence consume them, both have too much on their minds. 

When they reach the classroom both go straight to their desks, waiting for All Might's usual appearance through breaking down the door. Instead, they're greeted by Aizawa coming through the door normally and announcing the idea of the hero course field trip, they're going to the USJ and their meeting All Might there. All the information their given is the name of the place before they were instructed to go to the locker rooms to change. Oh boy, here we go again though (y/n). Hope nothing crazy goes on, I want to learn a lot

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