Chapter 10; Fighting

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After falling from the sky for what seemed to last forever (y/n) landed in the earthquake zone with the one and only ticking tomb bomb Katsuki and her reliable redhead Kirishima. Villains surrounded them. Flames danced around them as the flicker of adrenaline and excitement filled the room.

"Katsuki I can tell you're excited but I would appreciate it if you didn't cause a massacre understand?"

"The same goes for you big eyes, I know you haven't had a good fight in a while, and don't speak like your above me ass-wad"

"I know how to control myself Katsuki and with the knowledge of your extreme temper i wouldn't be surprised if you blew the top of the entire USJ off merely because you stubbed your toe." she said almost snorting, Katsuki merely growled in return, whipping his head to focus at the task at hand.  Villains began circling around them. The rooms heat began rising as more villains poured in, sweat trickling down from the brow of the three younger students. Eyes flickered with nerves and concentration, a strange and subtle mix. A staring contest was put in place soon after waiting for each other to make a move. Shallow breaths could be heard as the silence thickened, that was until a deafening noise was heard as Katsuki lit off a small explosion careful of his comrades close to him.  

(y/n)'s palms began glowing a pastel blue as her hands and arms began to emit flames. She could hear to sharp sound of skin hardening next to her as Kirishima's quirk was activated. She averted her eyes focusing on the people who were in front of her and happened to have not the best intentions. Her fists curled blazing a deadly hue, but she knew better, she would not fall to their standards killing was not on her bucket list of the day, and by no means would she ever intentionally kill someone. Squatting down to a fighting position she launched herself into the crowd, bringing down to enemies immediately hands latched on to their faces she dropped them to the floor careful to only burn the side of their cheeks,  before swinging her right leg to a round house which landed a long the higher rib bone of her opponent knocking them to the ground soon after. She flared out flames from the soles of her feet and through her boots burning the feet of some villains before taking out a few at a time, after cleaning up the rest of the villains in her section she proceeded to help Kirishima as she saw his time with his quirk was soon to run out.

 "Kirishima!" She yelled at she blasted through the ring of villains that surrounded him knocking a few down as she came through with a crash. Fire once again laced from her feet dancing around the two taunting villains to come through but warning them of danger in a beautiful manner. It circled them giving them time to talk and catch their breath. "I noticed your time with your quirk was almost up, we have a massive battle ahead of so we need to save our energy, if we work together we wont use up as much energy." she said breath almost running out.

"Thanks that's such manly thinking of you!" He said a sharkish grin slowly appearing, as he began to regain his breath. 

"These are low ranking villains so their not to difficult but since theirs so many of them it energy and time consuming, honestly annoying if you ask me, but its nice to finally fight something, even if them getting into the USJ in the first place is concerning."  (y/n) said as her eye scanned the crowd of villains, their blood thirsty eyes peered at them waiting for anything. 

"Were not low level villains! We'll prove it by thrashing you so hard you wont see the light of day!" A voice said from the crowd said. Kirishima didn't seem to notice this remark, but  (y/n) replied with a respectful "Im looking forward to the fight that you put up" before sitting down and counting in her head at intervals of 60 seconds

Sweat fell in drops on the floor as the two began to think of strategies as well as relax for a quick breather. The was hellish scream and the smell of burning flesh, a villain was stupid enough to try and enter the circle. "Foolish, the heat of my fire is fluctuating on my command even if its already in existence from my creation, the temperature is currently high enough to give you third degree burns at the slightest touch." Her expression had changed from an adrenaline filled one to a calm and sophisticated manor. "Kirishima im ready when you are", she said. 

"Im ready to get to get some manly practice on" said the spiky redhead spark filling his eyes once again, but  (y/n) could see the nervousness that lie behind, and she couldn't blame him, despite her confident exterior she was nervous for what lied ahead, only villains that had a strategic plan would be this bold to attack a highly prestigious area like the USJ as well as claim to be able to bring down all might, as the shadow like quirk man had stated before that they were looking for all might, therefore they must have a plan to bring down someone with the title of the number one hero and if that was the case the only thing that lie ahead was utter chaos. Ignoring her growing sense of doom she released her circle of blue fire, and charged into the mosh pit of fist fighting. 

When her and Kirishima were finished clearing their section they found Katsuki at the other side of the buildings single room finishing off the last of the villains. 

"What do we plan on doing now? Should we head towards the middle and help fight other or should we just stay here and wait for the teachers? or we could go find other students and help them out"  (y/n) asked "Also Katsuki behind you..." she said as his fist came in contact with a villains with skin color changing abilities allow him to become invisible and blend in with its surroundings. The villain fell to the ground with a thud. "I personally believe we should look for other students to help. We don't know where everyone landed and some people could of landed where their quirks aren't compatible, if that's the case since we haven't had proper training it could be a serious issue and in danger them. However we need to make a group decision as were stronger in numbers, meaning we cant split up Katsuki im looking at you." she said in a serious tone however slight playfulness was laced in at the end. Kirishima nodded in agreement however Katsuki scoffed.  "Well that's their damned issue for not training in all terrains" he said

"Katsuki some people didn't have the resources too, but if that's the case then what do you think the best plan is, we need to think this out carefully"  (y/n) said hair ruffling as a breeze swept through the window. 

"I think we head to the center, people will head their naturally, 13 and Aizawa sensei should still be there, the biggest villains will be there as well and with no pro heroes being there it'll be hard for them..." 

 "to beat by themselves"  (y/n) and Katsuki said at the same time tones serious as their brow furrowed in concentration. "Not only that but 13 cant use their quirk without killing anyone so that only leaves Aizawa. 

" both ideas are equally matched Kirishima you'll be the deciding vote"  (y/n) said in concentration. 

"I think we should head with Katsuki's plan since working in numbers against top tier villains" He said hand resting on his chin eyes switching back and forth from Katsuki and  (y/n). 

"It's decided then, let me head to top of the building so we can figure out which direction to head" (y/n) said as she began making her way around the building and up the stairs hair flowing behind her. 

"We need to head west around three quarters of a mile it seems a lot father than it is." She said shouting down to the two boys at the bottom of the outside of the building. "Kirishima catch me!" She said as she jumped of the top. The wind whipping her hair hero outfit shorts around. She landed bridal style in the red heads arms with a little bounce as his arms absorbed the impact. 

" (y/n) that was a crazy jump! Give me a little warning next time" He said with a slight chuckle, 

"Sorry!" she said with a sheepish grin, shoulders lifting up out of embarrassment, out of the corner of her eye she saw Katsuki roll his eyes. 

"Ewww PDA" He said turning his back on the two making his way down the path

"Stop being so childish Katsuki were only friends!" She said laughing at his antics, she ran to catch up with him jumping up to ruffle his fluffy hair on her tippy toes. He grimaced as she did so but never dared to say a word. "Come on Kirishima we don't want anything to happen to the others!" she said as she made her way on the path. 

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