1- college buddies

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Johns POV-

It was another year of hell, god just what I need. I walk up to the counter and a lady hands me my papers "nice to see you back John, have a good year!" She says in the tired over happy work tone.

Dorm 1789 cool lets go.

I walk in and see my best friend of eight years unpacking. "Alexander!" I scream pretty damn loud, "John buddy how's my best friend doing?!" Alex yells back "haha great, imma start unpacking" I say back to him "ok" he responds looking down at his bag.

'Best friend' that is what runs trough my mind like an Olympic runner. I had the gayest crush on Alexander Hamilton throughout our whole friend ship, if only he knew. "So John want to see the gang later at the coffee shop?" Alex ask warmly. "Haha sure but don't let it end like like freshmen year your first day at the coffee shop" I laugh "very funny John I know drinking 8 cups of coffee with 6 shots of espresso in each was not a good idea." He laughs back "I will text the group" he adds

Hammy-hammer has created a group chat

Hammy-hammer: hey want to meet at the coffee shop?


Horse-fucker: sure what time?

Hammy-hammer: idk like in 20 mins

Large-baguette: ok

Horse-fucker: mk

"20 minuets? Really can't wait to see the squad huh?" I question laughing "hey hey you want to see them too" he says back rolling his eyes. "Hmmmmmm, I guess your right. That's new" I giggle the last part "what ever start getting ready" he laughs back at me and my dumb comment.

——-time skip by: gayness ———-

We are walking to the coffee shop and when we walk in, me and Alex get tackled by two people. Laf and Herc. "Nice to see you to" I get up and reach my hand out to Hamilton helping him up "mon ami it's been to long!" Laf screams "how was South Carolina?" Herc ask while siting down "ugghhh shit my dad still hates me and with me being gone he started hurting my siblings..." I heard my voice crack at the end, Alex puts a hand on my shoulder. I nod and he takes a seat next to me.

Next thing ya know the sisters walk in. "Angelica! Eliza! And Peggy!" Alex screams hugging Eliza. God Alex likes her, Alex is bi so... what no he would never like me, like he said I'm 'his best friend' I sigh at my own thoughts. "John mon ami are you ok?" Laf ask looking at me kinda worried. "Yea you seem off" Herc adds. I'm just thinking 'best friends' in my head, what if best friends was boyfriends? No John stop. "Huh oh yea I'm fine" I lie resting my head on my hand. Alex and the girls sit down, Eliza is staring at him like he is..... everything in one.

Alexander's POV-

Eliza is my best friend who I tell all my problems to. Like about my past, school, and..... John. I have a crush on my best friend but can you blame me look at him he is a sweet soft guy, who can kick your ass at the same time. Oh and did I mention his body is amazing I just want to- uh Alex to far.

It's all just talk about summer and how school is actually dog shit. I get a plain black coffee, I look at John while drinking and kinda just zone off into his face. Omg his face is so at peace and Beautiful. Every freckle like a star on his face. His eyes like the ocean, his amazing curls in a pony tail. While I was zoned off into his face I notice he was looks at me. I turned a bright red and looked away faster then you could say no to this (I had to) god Alex get it trough your head he doesn't like you!

After coffee John and I go back to the dorm. It was an awkward silence all the way over and when we got into the dorm I broke it "sorry about zoning out earlier on you I was just thinking" I say out looking down, when I look up john had a bit of sadness in his eyes and a disappointed face. " it's fine really I do it all the time" he laughs smiling, it looks like a fake forced smile. He sits down on his bed. "Haha yea" I reply back sheepishly.

That night all I could think of was John. How beautiful he is, how happy he is, how it would feel to kiss- ugh Alex to far again. I need something to take my mind off this amazing boy. I got up the next day and walked out the door to take a walk.

While walking I was still thinking of John, I looked down at my feet and sigh loudly. I keep walking until "ahhh!" I herd someone scream I got up and look down at the person who I ran into. He was very very handsome "oh my I'm so sorry I should have been paying attention" I started but he cut me off "Hey it's ok" he said getting up "what's your name?" He asked me. I smiled "Alexander Hamilton" I looked up at him. He was very tall- or uhh I was very short... "what's yours" I ask in return.

"Thomas Jefferson"

A/N: oh shit cliff hanger you can't even.
Word count- 935

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