3- stay away

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Johns POV-

-2 weeks of Hamilton and Jefferson dating-

Of course I hate their relationship, Alex just doesn't look happy. God I need to be happy for Alexander, but I can't be. Not if he is with Jefferson. Thomas has done so many bad things, I'm scared for Alex.

It's been a good 2 weeks since Alex and Thomas got together. Alex invited me to meet Thomas and get to know the 'new' him more. I really don't want to go but anything for my Alex- or Thomas Alex....

Thomas POV-

Today is my date with Alex, and he invited John to get to know me. I have seen the way John looks at MY Alex, so I need to explain to John to back the fuck off.

I see John walk into the door and I grab Alex and start kissing him. I had my arms around his waste and his hands on my chest. I pull away and look up and John was standing there awkwardly. He takes a seat.

"John! Nice to see you again!" Alex said to he 'best friend' "hey Alex, how is it" John says back with an weak smile. "How are you in Thomas?" He adds. "We are great he is so great to me!" He said with a amazing smile on his face.

We talked longer about me treating him right, comforting him and blah blah blah. That stuff doesn't matter,  I won't need to know any of this. He all ready treated Hamilton right.

Alex's POV-

Thomas didn't treat me right. He found yelling at me makes me do things for him. He has hit me twice, but it doesn't matter I don't want to think of John. But I can't, he is setting right in front of me. He is beautiful his freckles, curly hair, sweet brown eyes, and- "Hey are you ok Alex?" He ask me "I- uh yea I'm fine, I need to go to the bathroom" I said running off.

Johns POV-

"Uhh ok" I said after Alex excused himself from the table. I look back at Thomas and his smile is gone "John stay away from Alex" he said out of the blue "I- what?" I asked confused why couldn't I be close to Alex? "I didn't fucking stutter." He said looking at me with cold eyes. "Alex is my boyfriend, I see the way you look at him. Your so helpless around him." I felt tears prick my eyes.

~flash back~

"Stay away from me John!" Frances screamed
"Frances wait I can explain!" I tried screaming but he keep running. "No you can't! I saw you, how could you do that to me!" He screamed at me looking back
"I didn't kiss lee, he kissed me Frances please listen!" I screamed tears running down my face. "No John go be with your new boyfriend!" He yelled running again " he's not my boyfriend.... I'm sorry." I mumbled to myself as he ran.

~end of flash back~

At this point I felt tears rolling down my face. I got up and left mumbling "I'm sorry Frances" and then I walked out.

Alex's POV-
I walk out of the bathroom an see John crying and getting up, walking out. I run over to Thomas "hey Thomas do you know what happen to John?! He was crying" I said with a lot of concern in my voice. "Pfft he is grown Alex I'm sure it's nothing" Thomas said ice cold.

Thomas grabbed be after paying and dragged me out of the restaurant. We walked back to my dorm, when we stoped I shuffled away from him. "Come on baby what's wrong~" he asked with a 'let's go do it' tone. "I'm just scared, I want to see if Johns ok..." I said getting out me keys. "Let's go back to my place~" he whispered in my ear lustfully. "N-no Thomas not-" he grabbed my wrist facing me towards me. "What did you say to me skank?" (Hahah get it?) he asked looking at me with a angry expression. "I-I said no.." I stuttered out. He slapped me straight across my face before walking away. "Have a goodnight Alex, and tell anybody about anything. Your good as gone." He said laughing walking away.

I walk into my dorm tears running down my face, I fall onto the bed crying. I didn't think John was home because I didn't hear him. I was still crying but then I feel someone wrap there arms around me. John. "Lexi are you ok?" He asked, that's why he didn't like me he is just trying to be a good friend. "Y-yes" I got out still crying. I didn't want to look at him. He turned me around looking me in the face seeing the hand print then giving me a huge hug. I hugged back both of us now crying. "L-Lexi why do y-you stay with h-him?" He asked now looking me in the eyes. He put him hand my my cheek wiping away tears and wiping over the hand print softly. I took a deep breath "it's because he is a boy toy so I'm distracted. Oh and if I leave he will.... h-hit me and h-hurt m-me" I stuttered that last part. John looked me in the eyes and gave me a small slight smile "someone could treat you better" he says hugging me again.

It was my turn to ask questions. "John why did you leave crying?" I ask putting my hands on his shoulders. "I-it's just" he took a deep breath and let out a huge sigh. "You don't have to tell-" he cut me off "no Lexi it's ok you should know." He took one more breath. "So Thomas told me after you left to stay away from you because you where his. And that took me back to when me and Frances broke up, you see that day Charles lee kissed me and Frances walked in at the wrong time. We got into a fight and the last thing he ever said was 'go be with your new boyfriend' and I just could not be there. I started to cry and I walked out. Also you need to tell me.... why he hit you?" The last thing he said gave me shivers.

Word count- 1064 (DAMN)

A/N: that was rally good actually stay tuned!

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