6-the AKWARD double date

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Johns pov-

I finished getting ready, Thomas all ready picked up Alex. I was waiting for Frances not wanting to go because Thomas would be alllllll over my Alex. MY Alex.

I heard a knock at the door which snapped me out of my thoughts. I opened the door and there stood the one and only, Frances. "Well look who finally decided to show up" I say in a sassy tone leaning on the door frame. "Haha funny, now we are going to be more late if you don't hurry" he says back making a waving motion out of the door.

———time skip by- Lams the ship———

We get to the restaurant and sign in as Jefferson's friends. We walk over to the table and sit down, Thomas atomically puts him arm around Alex. I just roll my eyes then Frances nudges me. Frances puts my hand on the table holding it, he look down at his shoulder. I get the hint and lay my head down on it. I giggled at the gesture like I cared. Frances gets a glare from Alexander.

"So Frances, hows it been. Last time I saw you in high school , you kinda of slapped me in the face. And last time durning high school I heard your name it was trough John's sobs" Alex say sarcastically. Frances sighs and rolls his eyes. "I have changed. Therapy has helped a lot" Frances changed his scowl into a sweet smile.

" So John your dating a psychopath?" Thomas said after a minute of silence or so. I let out a long dramatic sigh. "No Thomas he's not a psychopath, he has been trough a lot. He had anger issues." I said fiddling with a bread stick.

The waiter came with our drinks. I had a glass of black berry wine, Frances had peach wine, Alex had a margarita, and Thomas had whiskey.

After a while of just chatting, sipping on our drinks and extra, we just stayed in an awkward silence. I was taking a sip of my wine when Thomas shook the table causing the wine to spill all over me. Black berry wine. I was wearing a white dress shirt and black dress pants. Frances gasp and tried to help me clean it off. He tried. It was stained. "Oops sorryyyyy" Thomas said holding back a snicker. I just scoffed and rolled my eyes. Frances handed me his jacket. I took it and put it on zipping it up. "Thanks babe" I said earning a death glare from Alex.

Frances nodded kissing my forehead. He received a glare from Alex that said 'I will end your life in a heart beat'. I just quietly giggled at his glares laying my head back down on Frances shoulder.

"Hey Frances?" Alex asked looking Frances in the eyes. "Yes Alexander?" Frances asked politely. Alex just rolled his eyes dramatically. "I swear if John tells me a sentence that has he words 'Frances' and 'he hit me' in it I will kill you" he said looking up, once again, death glaring at Frances. I saw Frances disconcert and just let out a sigh.

"Anyway Thomas tell us about your self?" I said trying to change the subject. He looks up from his plate a huge smile grows on his face.

"Well John as you must know, I'm a rich, handsome man. I can provide for my bills and keep my Alex happy" he said emphasizing 'my'. I just rolled my eyes and laughed. "Well then I guess Alex is lucky" I look back down at my food with a sad look but keeping a smile. Alex just awkwardly laughed at my comment. "Yes he is~" Thomas says in a cocky ass voice.

We all finished dinner, Thomas payed for Alex and him. I was pulling out my wallet when I got stoped by Frances. "Don't worry peaches I got the bill" he said glancing at Alex. Alex really didn't like anyone but him calling me peaches, it was always his nickname for me. He looked pissed. Perfect.

"Hey how about we all go take a walk at the park?" Alex asked taking Thomas hand. I looked at Frances for his opinion. He nodded so I took that as he wanted to go. "Sure" I said shrugging, I leaned my head on Frances shoulder and smiled sweetly.

———time skip by awkward car ride———

We got out of the car and walked into the park. It's was a beautiful night. Stars bright, the moon shining, and- oh my god Alex looks beautifully the moon light! Frances looked at me and pulled his arm around me, he pulled me closer and I giggled.

"John you look beautiful ya know?" Frances said looking at me with caring eyes. I smiled and grabbed his hand. "T-thanks babe" I stuttered a blush across my face.

I looked over at Thomas and Alex. They looked happy or well, Alex looked like he had a forced smile. I guess Thomas saw me looking and pulled Alex into a long kiss. Frances grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss, it wasn't a very-I don't know-loving kiss. It was more like a make him jealous kinda kiss, well I guess that is our goal.

We broke apart and looked around for Alex and Thomas because they where gone. I heard my phone buzz in my pocket.

Hammy-hammer- hey sorry we left I have things to do.

Jonny-boi- it's ok Alex see you later!
Read at 7:25 pm

I huffed, Frances looked at me confused for a second. I smiled and started giggling. "Frances I thinks he's getting jealous because he said 'he had things to do' so he must have seen our kiss and left!" I said he had things to do in air quotes and Frances just laughed and nodded. "Here John lets go home" Frances said grabbing my hand.

"You do like him don't you" Frances asked me looking down. I nodded and smiled at him. He let out a funny little laugh and keep walking with me.

Faze 1 of jealousy complete.

Word count- 1024

A/N: oof will Alex be like 'oh JohnyI love youuuuuu' or just not say anything find out next time

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