10- I. HATE. YOU.

479 15 43

Alexs POV-

I need to get john you of this... Jefferson problem..Theres only one way.

-le time skIp-

" HEY JOHN!" I yelled looking for john. Where could he be?

I look in the living room to see him watching tv. He sees me and does a liitle wave then goes backing to watching tv.

"John we need to talk" i said turning off the tv. He looked at me and frowned. "Are you ok alex?"

"yea John its just... we cant be friends anymore." I said, oh god the look on his face... "HAHA ALEX YOU SO FUNNY" he fake laughs "so funny!" I sigh and look him in the eyes. "Im done being friends with you. Deal with it. Dont talk to me or message me. I. HATE. YOU." I said looking into his eyes. Oh fuck what have I done... He runs to his room crying.

I walked into his room to see his stuff packed. "Whoa John wait-" I tried to talk him out of it but he walked past me.

Holy shit what have I done...

Word count: 181

A/N: sorry this is short just something big in this book is coming up so ;) love ya!

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