13- What the heck did I do....

385 16 41

WARNING: Self harm
Alexs pov-

I feel really bad for leaving like that... I love him I really REALLY do but I cant stand to drag him into this mess i've made. Im paying jefferson 150 a month and 220 for rent. Why am I paying jeffershit? He said if I didnt he would make me, AND Johns life a living hell.

For now I have been telling all my friends lies about why I left the dorms. Also I might have spred lies about john.. God I sound like an asshole.

All my friends have been ignoring John cause of what ive said... Me and eliza started going out after I left john that day. I wish i would have AT LEAST wrote something before leaving... What ever.

Eliza invinted me over to her dorm cause her sisters are out. She said we can watch a show and hang out.. like a date. I hope it doesnt turn into something more than just a date.

Johns POV-

God damn it, GOD DAMN IT. I was sitting on the bathroom floor of my dorm sobbing my eyes out. I told myself i would never do it again, but here I am. I hate selfharm but i just cant fucking stop. Who the hell cares anyway, its not like i have any friends or family.

I let out a long sigh, why do I even fucking go on in this world.

Maybe I should be what everyone says i am.. No no, thats ony gonna make things worse!

I have a idea...

Alexs POV- (sorry the POV's are short.)

I walked over to the sisters dorm and knock on the door. I hear some movements then a click of the door being unlocked. Eliza opened the door with a big smlie on her face. I look at what she was wearing. She was in a light blue sports bra nd light blue booty shorts. She looked good but like.. really? kinda a hoe move she pulled there.

She led me to her living area and we sat down. She put on the lion king. 'john loves that movie...' i taught to myself. God damn i need to stop, he doesnt care about me anymore.

~time skip~

We finished the lion king so eliza put on some other movie, something about a girl who kissed a frog then became one.

Half way trough the movie i got a text. Eliza looked at me with a sad frown but i checked my phone.

it was from john.

Johhny: Help me.

What the fuck...

I texted back in a panic.


"umm eliza i think i should go.." i said trying to get up. She pulled me back down by my wrist. "what why so soon babe.." she asked with puppy dog eyes. "John just texted me 'help me' and i feel like-" Eliza cut me off. "oh come on john is just a man hoe. His hoe ass can deal with his own problems." She growled. I sighed and shook my head.

"eliza ill be back i love you.." i yelled running out the door, i heard her scream 'wait!' but i didnt slow down.

I kicked down john dorm door. "JOHN?" I called out in a loud voice. I started to look around the dorm for him. things where broken every were. I ran into the bathroom.

There was blood on the ground but still... NO JOHN?! I fall to the floor sobbing.

I called 911 and told them everything, next thing was i did was called the sqaud. I told them everything, how me and john sleep together to how I lied to them. They were NOT happy with me lying to them but rushed over to his dorm.

The police where looking around the dorm from anything that could help. I felt someone come up and slap me. "FUCK" I yelled and looked out, there stood a sobbing peggy and the rest of the sqaud crying behind her... Even Eliza...

"Alexander... HOW FUCKING COULD YOU!" Peggy yelled at me. I stood looking down at the ground. "Im so sorry..." I mumbled. Peggy shook her head and walked away hugging her sister.

The police walked with sad looks on there faces. "John has been kidnapped." The one lady said frowning more.

What the heck did i do....

Word count:747
A/N: oof this book is coming to end ;)

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