2- thomas jefferson

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Alexander's POV-

Thomas was very attractive, he was tall with a small beard thing going on. He had an Afro, beautiful dark eyes, and a soft smile. Maybe he will keep me from thinking of John.

"Hey you maybe want to go out for coffee later?" He asked snapping me out of my trance. "Oh, y-yea that would be nice here let me put in my number." I say back, he hands me his phone and I put in my number. "Is around 3 ok?" I ask shyly "Of course" he adds "see you Alexander" then he winks at me and walks away. He makes me feel almost as helpless as I am around John. Almost.

Johns POV-

Where is Alex? Is he ok? He was gone this morning! As I was thinking of all the bad things that could have happened he walks in with a big smile on his face. "What got you so happy" I ask wondering. "I have a date!" A.... date. That word kills me with in seconds. Alex has a date that's not with me, who is it with? "Ohh Alexander with who?" I ask trying not to cry. He smiles "with this cute boy!" He continues "a boy named Thomas Jefferson!" He says his smiles growing bigger. "Oh Thomas. Be careful with that one Alex, he's trouble." I say back looking down at my feet.

"What no he can't be he was no nice" he looked at me with questioning eyes. "It's just... he dated James Madison and he made him do things he didn't want to" I sighed and took a deep breath "then when it wasn't fun anymore he broke his heart" Alex looked at me and maybe reconsidering. "No, he must have changed he wasn't flirty or anything like that" he says looking me straight in the eye. "I'm just saying be carefu-" he cut me off "no John why the hell are you so jealous that I have a date? Can't you just be happy for me!?" He screams.

Alexander's POV-

"No John why the hell are you so jealous that I have a date? Can't you just be happy for me?!" I scream at him. Oh no. He looks like he's about to cry. I'm making my crush and best friend of 8 years cry. John gets up
And walks towards the door. "John wait." I try to say "no Alex. I'm just a bad jealous friend remember" he says not even looking at me. He walks out of the dorm. I look down at my watch 2:46 pm, I need to get ready.

——time skip by: crying Alex——-

I get to the coffee shop and look around. "Hey Alexander over here!!" I see Thomas wave at me. I force a smile a walk towards him taking a seat. "Hey Thomas" I say looking at him. "Alex are you ok?" He ask in a worried tone. "Oh yea... or no, I got into a fight with my best friend of 8 years" I say looking down at the table fidgeting with my hands. "What was it about?" He ask me grabbing my hands. I turned a deep shade of red. "I though he was jealous because he told me about you and James and how I should be more careful around you.." I took a deep breath "and I screamed at him thinking he was mad because I had a date" I sighed and looked at Thomas I felt tears prick my eyes. "I'm so sorry Alex. Also about the whole James thing, I was different then. I have gotten help with mental health and I went to therapy." He smiles at me.

——- time skip by: thomASS jefferSHIT——-

"Thank you Thomas it was nice" I say getting up "wait Alex" I look back at him "would you like to be my boyfriend" he said standing up walking up to me. I turned a bright red "y-yes" I didn't. I wanted John, but John was mad at me. Thomas is my distraction. He started leaning in and I leaned in. We kissed, but his lips where not soft. They where cracked and dry. I don't care as long as I don't think of John.

Thomas walks me back to my dorm and walks me inside. John is laying on the bed reading. Me and Thomas are holding hands, John sees this and roles his eyes. "I will see you later babe" Thomas said kissing me. I reluctantly kiss back, we pull apart and Thomas walks out shooting a glare at John.

After a couple moments of silence I say something "John I'm sorry I really shouldn't have yelled" say looking down. He looks at me and sighs. " no alexander I should have been happy for you I'm so sorry." He says shaking his head. "Friends?" I ask "friends" he repeats. "But more important you and Thomas? How'd that happen" I almost forgot about my relationship. "Oh after coffee he kinda just asked me to be his boyfriend and we kissed" I said repeating the moments in my head. "Oh well congratulations" he said in a kinda disappointed tone but keeping a smile on his face the whole time while talking. It was a really fake smile. "Thanks John" I smile back.

Word count: 885

A/N: ahhh shit Jeffershit is a ass hole. Anyway what might happen next? Find out tomorrow!

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