12- He just.. left..

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Johns POV-

I wake up sore as fuck. I sighed and delt with the pain.

I think of what happened last night. He was so careful and kind about everything. Like one wrong move and I would break into thosands of little peices.... He was nothing like Frances. Frances was mean and rough about everything.

Then I realized.. Frances.. Im still his boyfriend. Fuck.. What am I gonna do... I fear him enough all ready.

I think back to what Alex said. 'I love you too' I smile thinking about it. He is so amazing is every way ever. From his soft skin to his smart mind. I put my arms out to hug Alexander, but im only greated with a cold bed. I sit up and looked around. Alex is not in the bedroom... Hes not making food cause I would smell it... The bathroom light is off so hes not in there...

Then I realized something.

All of Alex's clothing from the other night are gone. Im also back in my own bed... I look over at Alex's half of the room.

Everything was gone. The dresser was empty. Nonooonono he didnt leave.. No he said he loved me... He must be cleaning.. right?

I call Peggy

"um hey peggy" I say into the phone trying to stay calm. "Hey Johnny boi" She said in a cheerful voice. "Um you dont happen to know where alex is right?" I ask sitting back down on my bed. "Oh hun, You didnt hear? He moved... Like away from all of us." She said, I felt like screaming. "w-what do y-y-you mean..." I said tears in my eyes. "He got a place way down town. Also changed any classes he had with any of us." She said sighing after. "why.." I asked about to break down. "He said something about making a mistake, not wanting to hurt someone. Stuff like that yeah." She said, I lets out a broken sigh. "thanks peggy.. Bye.." I hung up with no other words.

Why does the world hate me. My so called 'boyfriend' is a dick, the love of my life just left me.. How could life get worse.

I was sitting on my bed trying to to cry when I heard the door open. I locked the door and only Alex has the other key. "Alexander?" I said looking up only seeing Eliza. "Hey John.." She said walking to Alexs closet with a box in her hand. She took what ever was left in the closet in the box. "why do you need the rest of his stuff?" I asked looking up at her again. She smiled slightly. "Alex wanted the rest of his junk. He asked me to get it." She said. I was super confused. "Peggy said he lost contact with all of us for some reason" I said rasing a eyebrow.

"huh? No he still talks with us." She said looking confused. I looked back at her also confused. "peggy said he changed all his classes away from us.." I said biting my lip. "no..." Then she realized something. "he only changed classes away from you.." She said akwardly. "oh..." I said about to cry. Did he hate me that much.. Am I that unworthy.. "But I also wanted to tell you me and Alexander are dating..." She said smiling and blushing. "oh.. congrats liz." I said with a fake smile. "Anyway I got to go, see ya around johnny!" As soon as she left I burst into tears.

For the next few weeks everyone has avoided me. I feel like shit. Hell ever FRANCES has avoided me!

I want to know whats going on... I get a text from a unknown number.

***-***-****: hey baby~

John: who tf this..

***-***-****: Lee.

John: Oh what do you want.

Lee: I want to have a bit of fun with ya slut ;)



Lee: Come on babe~ You act like you dont do this offen!

John: Ive only sleep with TWO people in my whole LIFE!

Lee: Not what Hamilton said.

John: what.

Lee: Hamilton said you have a new guy OR EVEN A GIRL in your bed every day!

John: Im gay. Ive only sleep with two people no more!

Lee: what ever.

Lee: Text me if ya change your mind ;)

Oh my god. What have I done... This is my falut I should have said no to him. I should have not liked him in the first place. Oh my god Frances and Alexnader are right. I am worthless, a whore, a slut, I am nothing.

I cant go on.

Word count: 780

A/N: ERM IM NOT DEAD YAY But heres some angst for the soul OWO

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