Chapter 2

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A/N: Big thank you to my beta Amanda Quick, she really helped me out big time with making this chapter better.

Enjoy this chapter guys, please leave a comment with your thoughts and I will see you next week with some new content whooo :)

When Helen Granger gotten word of her daughter's new job, she joined heads with Lily Potter to organize a little celebration dinner. They had invited Sirius and Ginny over as well, and the company of eight sat around the table in the Granger's cosy living room. Helen and Lily had outdone themselves with dinner, there was literally something for everyone as the table was stuffed with food. There were chicken wings, roast potatoes, sweet potatoes, multiple vegetables, mini steaks and more. It reminded Hermione of the dinners she had been to at the Weasley home. Molly Weasley always cooked tons of food, not that she had much of a choice with such a big family, but it was always a wonderful and vast array of food.

'To Hermione, let's hope she won't go crazy working with Sirius,' James joked, holding his glass of wine up, ready to clink it with the others.

'Hey!' Sirius huffed. 'To many more bike repairs, a clean office and some good company at the shop,' Sirius added to James his toast. He winked at Hermione and everyone brought their glass together and yelled out a 'cheers!'

'I couldn't be more proud of you Hermione, this is the perfect job for you,' her father Richard said, smiling fondly at his daughter.

Sirius, while seating next to Hermione, draped his arm over her shoulder. 'That's what I've been telling her. You've got a talented girl Richard, she will be a real asset to us.'

'Ever since you offered Hermione the job, you have been kissing her ass. You do realize that she said yes, right?' Ginny chuckled at Sirius.

'I do, but she hasn't started yet and I can't afford for her to change her mind,' he smirked.

Hermione looked at him with raised eyebrows.

'So you're only saying nice things because you want me t- hmpff' Sirius silenced Hermione by pressing his free hand against her mouth.

'Hush now kitten, you know that's not true.'

This time it was Richard Granger who looked at the man with raised eyebrows. 'You're calling my daughter, kitten? You do know that she is way too young for you. You could have been her father,' he said seriously, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Sirius' face paled. While removing his arm from Hermione's shoulder, he missed the twinkling, teasing look that was in Richard's eyes. Richard knew Sirius cared for his daughter, he also knew that Sirius would flirt and tease in jest with any woman, no matter her age. While looking at his daughter, he could see that she was biting her lip in effort to contain her laughter.

'You- I – Err,' Sirius stuttered, looking for a good comeback.

The table fell quiet which made Sirius even more uncomfortable. He was shifting in his chair looking around at everyone staring at him, he kept opening and closing his mouth as if he were a fish, but no words were coming out. Hermione almost felt sorry for him, she'd never seen him like this. Sirius was always so confident.

'I, uh, I didn't mean it like that Richard, you have, um' he swallowed quickly 'a very beautiful daughter, I don't see her that way. I only call her kitten to tease her, that's all,' Sirius finally said.

Richard grinned mischievously at the uneasy man. 'I was just trolling you Sirius, I didn't think you would freeze like that. It's almost suspicious,' he winked.

Sirius letting out a relieved sound, wrapped his arm back around Hermione saying, "I care a lot about Hermione, but I think about her more like a little sister. A hot little sister, yes, but you don't have to worry about me trying anything,' he smirked, his eyes alight with mischief.

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