Chapter 5.

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A/N: Enjoy this chapter guys hehe ;) 

Beta love: Amanda Quick & Katharina (Mandi762 & TheLastLynx on


Draco stared at her for a moment, his gaze flickering from her eyes to her lips. His right hand left her hip to cup her cheek and Hermione felt the butterflies in her stomach go crazy again at his touch. Slowly, Draco started to lean in, their noses touched and she could feel his hot breath on her lips. Right before his mouth touched hers he stopped, making her whimper with need. Why did he stop?

'Tell me, why do you want this?' he whispered as his thumb caressed her cheek.

'I just want to know what it feels like,' Hermione breathed, her hands clutching his black T-shirt.

Draco smirked and moved his hand to her neck, grabbing a fist full of her curly hair.

'If I do this, you'll be mine, Princess. Do you understand?'

She quickly nodded, not even thinking if there would be any consequences by letting him kiss her, she just wanted him to hurry the hell up and snog her senseless. His head dipped lower and when their lips touched, Hermione let out a moan. His lips were warm and soft, softer than she expected, and they moved with skill over hers. She felt herself melt into him, her body now fully touching his, feeling every inch of him. Her hands moved to his neck to play with the strands of his hair and when she pulled at them, he groaned into her mouth. The sound made Hermione shiver and it encouraged her to do it again. Her lips opened to taste him and Draco's tongue quickly slid inside, exploring her mouth. They moaned in union when their tongue's touched and started to dance around each other, battling for dominance.

Draco pushed his hips into hers and pulled back from her mouth to gasp for breath. He was panting and so was she. Their eyes locked for a moment before his mouth quickly found its way to her neck. Hermione tilted her head to the side to give him more access, and her hands travelled to his broad shoulders, holding onto them so she wouldn't fall to the ground. Her knees felt weak and her head dizzy. Hermione didn't know if it was because of all the alcohol or because his mouth and hands that all over her. A whimper left her throat when Draco's tongue slipped out from between his lips to lick the small bruise he had made there. She felt him smile against her skin before he lifted his head and attached his lips to hers again.

They snogged for what felt like hours before they parted, lips bruised and breathing hard. Draco smirked down at Hermione and slowly moved his body away from hers. Hermione automatically followed him, her body cold without his touch. The blonde chuckled and placed his hand on her hips, his fingers dipping into her flesh, and she could feel his warmth through her dress.

'And how did it feel Princess?' he asked, nipping at her bottom lip.

Hermione closed her eyes at the feeling and smiled.

'Amazing. Mind blowing. I've never been kissed like this and it definitely never felt this good,' she babbled, her cheeks flushing red.

Draco smirked down at her and leaned forward to capture her lips in yet another breath-taking kiss.

'Glad to be of service,' he whispered when he released her again.

When the two of them returned to the group with swollen lips, messy hair and both sporting a bright purple hickey on their necks, they were greeted with wolf whistles. Everyone seemed to have a good time and not one person was sober anymore. Drinks kept coming and against her own better judgement Hermione drank more than she had ever had. She felt great. It had been a long time since she really enjoyed a night out so much.

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