Chapter 6.

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A/N: BIG SHOUT OUT TO MY LOVELY BETA'S: Mandi762 & TheLastLynx (on FFN)

Without them this chapter would be an absolute mess..

Enjoy & please feel free to let me know what you think xx


The next morning at Draco's home, he had behaved like a true gentleman. He never tried to do more than kissing, never pushed her boundaries, he even made her breakfast. Afterwards, when the excesses of the previous night finally claimed their toll on her body, he tenderly held Hermione's hair and stroked her back while she was miserably kneeling on the bathroom floor emptying her stomach. When she sat back on the cold bathroom floor, sweaty and exhausted, he made sure she had enough to drink and to eat, before he drove her home so she could properly regain her strength.

Standing in front of her house, he promised to be in touch. After a sweet parting kiss on her cheek, he winked, and drove away.

When Hermione finally woke up from her nap, Ginny was sitting beside her on the bed. The redhead wanted to apologise for leaving with Harry without finding her first, and she desperately wanted to know all the details from the night before. Hermione brushed Ginny's worries off without a thought. Feeling giddy, she told Ginny about it all, the kisses, how she felt when he touched her, and how much she wanted to do it all again. The redhead squealed and hugged her, exclaiming how happy that Hermione was finally able to feel what she was always talking about. When her friend chatted about how she had felt when Harry first kissed her, Hermione's mind trailed off. She couldn't believe she had finally felt a connection with a man. With a man like Draco. She wasn't sure what exactly she hoped to get out of this, but she definitely wouldn't mind feeling like last night again. He made her skin feel like fire, he actually kind of made her feel like a phoenix. She had risen last night; new, burning, full of life. Being with Draco felt like magic.
Hermione shook away her over analysing thoughts and focused on Ginny and her giddy feelings. For once she wanted to talk boys with her best friend. They spent the rest of the day chatting and giggling, and Hermione realised once more how lucky she was to have a best friend like Ginny.

This all had happened two days ago. Two days without a single word from Draco. Hermione tried not to care, but she was disappointed. She thought he had meant what he said.

On Tuesday morning Hermione walked into the Black Repair Shop just before nine, she was already yawning and desperately in need of caffeine. After a restless night, just tossing and turning, she'd given up on sleep around six. Her mind kept replaying the kisses Draco had given her, and was expanding on those kisses in her dreams. All this had left her thoroughly frustrated and wanting more. At the same time she was becoming angry at herself; why did she let this man influence her feelings so much? She had only just met him last week, how could her body and mind want him so much? This was so not like her...

Still wondering why he hadn't texted or called, she poured herself her first cup of coffee. Draco definitely had acted possessively, as if he wanted her to be his, but now she couldn't shake the impression that he was toying with her, that he just was having a bit of fun at her expense. It was absolutely not okay, and while staring at the ceiling at three in the morning, she had made the decision that if he came by the shop, she would demand an answer. There would be no more anything, until he showed her just how much he did want her. She couldn't believe how she had let him walk over her so easily, making him believe she was okay with being his possession. Clenching her jaw, Hermione dropped a few drops of milk in her cup, she would fix this.

A sharp knock at her office door and the sudden appearance of Sirius made Hermione jump, and the contents of her mug splashed all over the floor. With a curse Sirius disappeared again, only to come back with a mop to clean the floor.

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