Chapter 4.

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A/N: Early update this week cause I couldn't wait to share this chapter with you. I hope to update on friday again next week, as you guys will probably hate me for leaving you with this ending *hides away* and I'm sure that as soon as I finish ch5 I want to share it as soon as possible anyways hehe.

Beta love: Amanda Quick 


Draco had made her try the firewhiskey and it had burned her throat so much, that she coughed after the first one. The feeling of warmth she got afterwards felt so wonderful that she had asked for another one. Draco had grinned down at her and proceeded to order another round. After that he introduced her to something else he thought she would like; butterbeer. She had never heard of that one either and it was deliciously sweet. After two shots of the firewhiskey and a huge glass of butterbeer, Hermione was a giggling mess. Since she wasn't used having this much alcolhol, she was certainly feeling it, but not drunk yet.

'You're not trying to get me drunk are you?' Hermione asked when Draco offered to buy her yet another drink.

The blonde laughed and leaned closer to her, his breath warm against her ear. He spoke softly, the breath tickling her neck, 'As much as I would love to see you drunk Princess, it is not on my agenda for tonight.'

'Then what is? And does this mean you plan on getting me drunk some other time? Hermione asked him, then furrowing her brows, she murmured to herself 'I shouldn't trust you, should I?'

Why am I sitting at the bar with Draco Malfoy, a known Slytherin, this guy I barely know? I should be with Ginny, Neville, and Harry. Looking around the bar, she realized that she felt comfortable with him. She was letting him buy her drinks and was enjoying his company.

'I'm not telling you my plans Princess, it would ruin them wouldn't it? Can't a bloke just buy a girl some drinks and try and get to know her?' Draco smirked, winking at her.

Hermione titled her head and looked at him for a while, her eyes slowly scanning his face. His grey eyes never left hers.

'Is that what you're doing?' she finally questioned.

He didn't flinch or look away and Hermione found that reassuring. She always trusted people way too easily and she found herself wanting to trust Draco as well. He was mysterious, but he flirted with her and he was obviously very handsome. If he really wanted to get to know her better, she was okay with that.

Draco sipped his beer before answering. 'Does it really matter?'

'If your intentions are truly to get to know me, then no it doesn't matter. But if you have a secret agenda and just want me to trust you for you to stab a knife in my back, well...' Hermione answered, her lips curling up into a smile when she saw the amusement in his eyes.

'You watch too many movies Princess, I might not be an innocent guy with a clean record, but I would never lead a girl on like that.'

'Not even for sex?'

Draco's eyes widened at her blunt reply and he barked out a laugh when she clamped her hand before her mouth, shocked by her own words. Hermione flushed and quickly asked the bartender for a coke, she needed some sugar.

'Aren't you a delight Princess,' Draco chuckled. 'To answer your question; no I still wouldn't, my father thought me to have respect for woman. Always. It's a code we Malfoy man live by.'

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him. As much as she wanted to believe him, she didn't think he was a saint. He must have broken that rule even if was just a few times. He had been a hormonal teenage after all and he was still a man. And man had needs.

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